Quietly I Sit

Category: People
Duration: 00:06:16
Duration: 00:06:16
Dear Friends, here is another beautiful offering, as always a very special collaboration between myself - Piyali Ganguly, Demelia Denton, Ulrik Kilstrøm and Marco Turini, for your listening pleasure.
Produced, mastered and composed by Ulrik Kilstrom, with Lyrics by Demelia Denton and the fabulous outstanding addition of the amazing Marco Turrini. With strings/piano & sound we have created a sound we feel will take you on a journey!
We hope you enjoy this song celebrating Nature.
All Rights Reserved.
Demelia Denton: Poem/Lyrics
Piyali Ganguly: Vocals
Composed by Ulrik Kilstrom - Kilstrom / Denton Productions & Sounds..
Marco Turrini: Special Guest contributing artist on Piano and Keyboards
Shadows are creeping
As Sun slowly sets
Quietly I sit
Perhaps ponder what's next
Birds chirp and gather
Their food before rest
Night sky is soaking
The sunset night meets
Rising on seascape
With spotlighting charm
Full moon delivers
Magnificent stars
Quietly I sit, wandering away
Pleasures of nature
There'll be no rushing dismay
Stillness and silence
Stars blanket sky
Glorious viewing
Universe sight
Beauty adorning romance desires
Quietly I sit, alone peaceful night
Desirable thoughts with visual delight
Beauty surrounds with perfection so right
Rustling like music through branches of trees
Breeze kissed encounter relaxed yes I be
Waves breaking gently and rush towards me
It's dark cannot see them but hear them recede
Nights splendid glory calming to please
Quietly I sit, balmy night cooling breeze
~COPYRIGHT~ 2013 ~
Produced, mastered and composed by Ulrik Kilstrom, with Lyrics by Demelia Denton and the fabulous outstanding addition of the amazing Marco Turrini. With strings/piano & sound we have created a sound we feel will take you on a journey!
We hope you enjoy this song celebrating Nature.

All Rights Reserved.
Demelia Denton: Poem/Lyrics
Piyali Ganguly: Vocals
Composed by Ulrik Kilstrom - Kilstrom / Denton Productions & Sounds..
Marco Turrini: Special Guest contributing artist on Piano and Keyboards
Shadows are creeping
As Sun slowly sets
Quietly I sit
Perhaps ponder what's next
Birds chirp and gather
Their food before rest
Night sky is soaking
The sunset night meets
Rising on seascape
With spotlighting charm
Full moon delivers
Magnificent stars
Quietly I sit, wandering away
Pleasures of nature
There'll be no rushing dismay
Stillness and silence
Stars blanket sky
Glorious viewing
Universe sight
Beauty adorning romance desires
Quietly I sit, alone peaceful night
Desirable thoughts with visual delight
Beauty surrounds with perfection so right
Rustling like music through branches of trees
Breeze kissed encounter relaxed yes I be
Waves breaking gently and rush towards me
It's dark cannot see them but hear them recede
Nights splendid glory calming to please
Quietly I sit, balmy night cooling breeze
~COPYRIGHT~ 2013 ~