
Road To Glory (Album Master)

album: Rayon Vert Second Course
genre: Progressive Rock
streams: 37
creation date: 2021-11-19

  Song Lyrics
Road To Glory (V1) Look down at your feet...... I'm there to tempt with sweets I can take you any where..... or you can stand there and stare (Chr) I am the...
  Song Information
About the song: Gary presented this song to Rayon Vert for consideration. As soon as we all heard it, we not only said yes but HECK YES! Gary had the basic...
Road To Glory (Album Master)
Rob Grant
11/21/21 08:31:48PM @rayon-vert:
Farrell...These are GREAT!! Really bringing me back😌
Twank Whelan
11/21/21 06:25:50PM @twank-whelan:
Getting a bit of a Deep Purple vibe from this...and don't mind a bit!
11/20/21 02:42:20PM @waveman:
the band is sounding great and the vocal is right on farrell, you do cool harmony work. and I sure can relate, I miss the early band days but its all good
Melani Cholie
11/20/21 09:24:38AM @melani-cholie:
thats a cool song in my eyes
11/20/21 07:00:10AM @wricky:
musically and lyricly amazing song!
The song info you posted here puts it in perspective, and reminds me that ,WHY we do what we do with music is a mystery really sometimes, for me anyway,lol.
~many cheers!

11/19/21 03:54:03PM @bad-love-junkie:
Hi Farrell. Sounding great. Some mighty fine straight on guitar driving rock n roll and most excellent vocals. Best of luck with your release

Farrell Jackson
11/19/21 12:28:14PM @farrell-jackson:
Road To Glory is the 8th song on the upcoming release of Rayon Vert's, Second Course Album.


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