Song Lyrics
Distant Eyes
(1) Distant eyes, what do you see?
Are you looking for someone to please?
Distant eyes, you search the skies.
For things you think you need....
Song Information
We, Rayon Vert, completely redid an older song of mine from 2006, called Distant Eyes. The song had a lot of potential, but I needed the skills of the RV...
Thanks Ricky and Tristyn for the good words! @rogue-fungi, @tristynleach.
Farrell for Rayon Vert
catchy song, great production, has a slight beatles creme feel to it , cool guitar and organ solo love that, enjoyed
Always have killer keys on your tracks
I want to thank Gary Carciello, Rob Grant and DrC for giving my old song a new life. Thanks guys, you're the best!
Farrell Jackson