Song Lyrics
Fast Moving Train (Farrell Jackson © 10-22-22)
(V1) When I call you on my cell phone
You don't answer, 'cos you're not alone babe
Is this...
Song Information
Fast Moving Train Credits:
Farrell Jackson - All vocals and lyrics.
Doctor C - All keyboards.
Gary Carciello - All guitars, bass, and mix/mastering.
Thanks again Gary for the support! We all appreciated it.
Farrell for Rayon Vert Fast Moving Train (Rayon Vert 2022)
yooz guys sound great together...got a good thing going!
Thanks Wricky and Carol Sue. We all appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment! @wricky @carol-sue
Great to hear the talents of Rayon Vert once again!
As expected... another great tune + fantastic talents.
Fast Moving Train is Rayon Vert's latest song. It's a cool retro classic rocker with some progg thrown in for good measure. Gary Carciello smokes the lead solos, DrC channels his inner Jon Lord on the keyboards and I have the vocal duties. Give it a spin for a cool rockin' experience!
Yeap !! you called it man! Hi 5's all around and many chairs!
Fast Moving Train is Rayon Vert's latest song. It's a cool retro classic rocker with some progg thrown in for good measure. Gary Carciello smokes the lead solos, DrC channels his inner Jon Lord on the keyboards and I have the vocal duties. Give it a spin for a cool rockin' experience!