A progressive rock ballad written by Rob Grant and DrC, jointly. This is a song that you can really appreciate Rob's skills as a writer, lyricist, bass player and enjoy DrC's excellent ear as a musician and producer. Just listen and you'll hear what I'm talking about.
Rob started this song idea with just a bass and drum track, which was then sent to DrC. After taking it all in, DrC put his magical keys and musical mind to work.. It was then sent back to Rob for his melody and lyric ideas. Once that was completed the song was forwarded to Gary Carciello to add his always tasteful guitar. I must say from the background fills to the searing solos Gary has excelled with his tastefulness on Get It Right. He got it right and then some.
This song was written and recorded before I ever entered the Rayon Vert collaborative picture. The vocals were performed excellently by Rob with Gary's guitar, and DrC's keys/production but.......then I was added and mucked up the whole thing
. It wasn't really me.... but rather the idea of putting together a Rayon Vert CD with a consistent vocal sound that included this song. Rob asked if I would redo the vox. We all thought Rob's take sounded fine, as is, but he insisted for the sake of a consistent vocal sound on the upcoming CD. So I caved in...... it was a real pleasure and honor for me to do this vocal.
This un-mastered version has me (Farrell Jackson) doing all the vocals with DrC's new drum track. Plus a remix with a couple of new production ideas.
We hope you enjoy it!
Farrell Jackson for Rayon Vert
Now that intro is simply awesome!! Great guitar playing Gary. Your solo on this is a work of art. Man Rob!! The bass line on this one is just kick ass!! You are all over the place. Keys fill all the voids on this one.
Overall this song is excellent almost perfect. The vocals are outstanding but the mix on them is not working for me for some reason. I am not sure why. Could be the panning??
Excellent track guys. This one is awesome!!
Really the song works so well. Outstanding arrangement with the focus always on another interesting aspect theme. Everyone is so on target here. Farrell, love what you did here vocally/harmonically, but I don't want to single anyone as a highlight because everyone such a vital role. Fabulous, fabulous! ..blake
oh yeah this is great , the vocals are so cool and the bass line is excellent what a super group , love the panning at the onstrument break , amazing guitar ( S )
Oh you guys are as good as anything I have heard in a good while. Now this is sounding very Brit vocally to me. Rob really like the bass sound you are getting. I am definitely a fan. I dont get a chance to get out here much but this is super stuff. Congats to all of you. Guitars are very impressive and your production is off the charts.