
Keep Breathing (Nigel's lyric)

user image 2009-09-04
By: Rob Grant
Posted in: In under the wire!
Keep Breathing (Nigel's lyric)

<p>Rob Grant- bass. Gary Carciello - all guitars. DrC - all keys, drums,&nbsp;production, and mixing. Farrell Jackson - songwriter and all vocals. Nigel Potter - lyric.</p><p>This song is the result of an idea I was toying with on guitar. I had developed the chord structure and melody but hadn't written the words yet. Then.......the Same Nigel Lyric Challenge popped up at Mixposure. So I printed off the lyric and was amazed at the ease of how they fit with my melody. I then made a quick demo and sent it off to DrC, Gary, and Rob to see if they thought it had potential and if so, whether or not Rayon Vert wanted to particpate in the challenge with this song. The answer back was yes so we went to work on it.</p><p>The challenge deadline is 9-05-09. Well today is 9-05-09 and we are posting the song up as we slide in under the wire, lol!</p><p>Enjoy and thanks for the great lyric to work with Nigel, it was fun!</p><p>Farrell for Rayon Vert</p><p>&nbsp;</p>


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