Red Sheppen
Red Sheppen
Red Sheppen

Lost Myself for a Moment with Steve Page (emocion)

album: Mubla Wen
genre: steve page music
streams: 69
creation date: 2017-05-02

  Song Information
Steve Page (emocion/sly puppy) song and i just added a touch of guitar
Lost Myself for a Moment with Steve Page (emocion)
12/10/17 10:22:50PM @red-sheppen:
sly puppy:
Think 💭 missed this Pete I know you sent it today me - I’ll have to dig out the vocal version for you.
I’m hoping that you may have those guitar parts separate somewhere as my external hard drive is corrupt so I’m sure I won’t have access ...

This really was a breeze of a song puts me so in mind of Whispers In The Mist...
I will have a bit of a look but i lost a lot way back so not sure - i may have a vocal version here with you doing vox....hafta looky. Get my pc shovel out and start digging deep lol
I have a corrupted extrnal drive too...dunno what happened there but shows some not other stuff grrr pc stuff hey.
I will let you know if i find geetar parts...hope so :)
Thanks for letting me tinkle my guitar over it

sly puppy
11/28/17 05:42:21AM @emocion:
Think 💭 missed this Pete I know you sent it today me - I’ll have to dig out the vocal version for you.
I’m hoping that you may have those guitar parts separate somewhere as my external hard drive is corrupt so I’m sure I won’t have access ...

This really was a breeze of a song puts me so in mind of Whispers In The Mist...

11/20/17 03:55:14PM @red-sheppen:
This was a great piece of music Steve come up with. I loved the guitar work you added to it. I totally love the groove, and enjoyed listening to it immensely. It's a winner ,the production work was spot-on.
Thanks Jerry from me and Steve - Steve always has that nice clean songs and to add guitar was a joy - cheers for the listening

11/18/17 01:56:07PM @jerrywillard:
This was a great piece of music Steve come up with. I loved the guitar work you added to it. I totally love the groove, and enjoyed listening to it immensely. It's a winner ,the production work was spot-on.
05/03/17 10:29:28PM @red-sheppen:
Fungus-Dace "]
So nice!..just enjoying all the way. Beautiful!..enchanting listen.
Glad you enjoyed this Dace
Sly puppy the emocional one steve has a gift of music...he goes where i would dare to dream with his knowledge of the synths and keys and all - great i found this as we did a vocal version which i cannot find anywhere YET lol
Glad to have ya my mate dace

05/02/17 07:11:27PM @red-sheppen:
Nice laid back jazz feel
Thanks Ron - It is all Steve's doing - he has a lot of amazing skills

05/02/17 06:48:24PM @ronbowes:
Nice laid back jazz feel


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