I just set back and enjoyed this track. Sweet clean track & no clutter. I love it the production work was class! You and Steve did an awesome job. ๐
Thank Jerry - this was an open jammin track i did a while ago...but after Steve's addtions i love it was very sparse before - for some reason i feel the Doors with steve's additions - pity i cannot sing like old Jim Morrison
Tricia C:
And am reading & agreeing that this is a great collaboration between the two of you! It indeed has a magical mystic feel... I journeyed with the music just the right touch of smoke IMO! You two did fabulous on this tune!!! Almost made me conjure up some lyrical ideas... ๐
Thanks for the listen Tricia - you are a trooper for supporting all the artists - amazing.
Had fun on this...did the original track guitar etc some time ago and Steve added his fine touch that adds so much atmosphere....for some reason it has a doors feeling...Sly's adds have a doors feel too which is good )
11/18/17 11:57:43AM @jerrywillard:
I just set back and enjoyed this track. Sweet clean track & no clutter. I love it the production work was class! You and Steve did an awesome job. ๐
Not much I can add after Dace's perception there... except... this is happening from everywhere on my monitors, coming at me like I've been smoking something. One of those rhythms that comes at you in pieces, no, two of those rhythms... Something eastern and mystic in there if I can put my finger on it, but it's so elusive. I like things that are ambiguous, like impressionist paintings, they mean different things to different people. That's what this did for me, I have my own private picture of it. And now I'm sitting in the silence, need to go back and take the same journey again.
Hi Chris - Dace did put it all so eloquently - i think this has that "oops i just smoked something strong" feel about it....a bit like when the cops burn the busted maryjane crops here and the smoke drifts across through my window while creating it ) It is like the tardis and the listener Dr Who and he might not make it back but he does to the relief of all Glad you liked it and went back for seconds - i hope you made it back to Earth safely
Cheers Chris
Fungus-Dace "]
Sly opens door...slowly and grandly wide. ...Peter walk thru.....tall..back lighted nothing but a shadow. ..we know who it is...right off! peter stands in door way and pause for us, sly starts to walk up behind there are 2 shadows we know without "face"...2 that have been away awhile..and they return together here. Now the door stays open! They are in it! As a shadow in light. The light is very bright..shadows very dark. As a contrast to them both. As one, in an opening. Can you hear that? Can you see it like that? Matter little. Is what it is.
awesome review Dace - i do this too - walk through the song and the images it conjures up - yep i can see it. Sly adds so much but without being too much - gotta love that. It is a weird song this one originally but the sound seems to get to me. I have another like this and it is a bit mesmerising.
Thanks for the passion again and i love the how i uploaded two songs which are COMPLETELY different - music is a wonderful thing and creating it together even more so.
05/30/17 06:52:58PM @chris-moore:
Not much I can add after Dace's perception there... except... this is happening from everywhere on my monitors, coming at me like I've been smoking something. One of those rhythms that comes at you in pieces, no, two of those rhythms... Something eastern and mystic in there if I can put my finger on it, but it's so elusive. I like things that are ambiguous, like impressionist paintings, they mean different things to different people. That's what this did for me, I have my own private picture of it. And now I'm sitting in the silence, need to go back and take the same journey again.
I just set back and enjoyed this track. Sweet clean track & no clutter. I love it the production work was class! You and Steve did an awesome job. ๐
And am reading & agreeing that this is a great collaboration between the two of you! It indeed has a magical mystic feel... I journeyed with the music just the right touch of smoke IMO! You two did fabulous on this tune!!! Almost made me conjure up some lyrical ideas... ๐
Had fun on this...did the original track guitar etc some time ago and Steve added his fine touch that adds so much atmosphere....for some reason it has a doors feeling...Sly's adds have a doors feel too which is good
I just set back and enjoyed this track. Sweet clean track & no clutter. I love it the production work was class! You and Steve did an awesome job. ๐
Not much I can add after Dace's perception there... except... this is happening from everywhere on my monitors, coming at me like I've been smoking something. One of those rhythms that comes at you in pieces, no, two of those rhythms... Something eastern and mystic in there if I can put my finger on it, but it's so elusive. I like things that are ambiguous, like impressionist paintings, they mean different things to different people. That's what this did for me, I have my own private picture of it. And now I'm sitting in the silence, need to go back and take the same journey again.
Cheers Chris
Sly opens door...slowly and grandly wide. ...Peter walk thru.....tall..back lighted nothing but a shadow. ..we know who it is...right off! peter stands in door way and pause for us, sly starts to walk up behind there are 2 shadows we know without "face"...2 that have been away awhile..and they return together here. Now the door stays open! They are in it! As a shadow in light. The light is very bright..shadows very dark. As a contrast to them both. As one, in an opening. Can you hear that? Can you see it like that? Matter little. Is what it is.
Thanks for the passion again and i love the how i uploaded two songs which are COMPLETELY different - music is a wonderful thing and creating it together even more so.
Not much I can add after Dace's perception there... except... this is happening from everywhere on my monitors, coming at me like I've been smoking something. One of those rhythms that comes at you in pieces, no, two of those rhythms... Something eastern and mystic in there if I can put my finger on it, but it's so elusive. I like things that are ambiguous, like impressionist paintings, they mean different things to different people. That's what this did for me, I have my own private picture of it. And now I'm sitting in the silence, need to go back and take the same journey again.