Rogue Fungi
Rogue Fungi
Rogue Fungi

Without Walls

album: Rogue Fungi
genre: Rock
streams: 1,164
creation date: 2022-02-12

  Song Lyrics
 Verse 1  Ignorance becomes obsession possessed by a world  full of sickness refused salvation  from the coming flood my eyes have seen they have been...
  Song Information
Lyric - R.Mancini
Without Walls
05/10/23 11:40:57AM @bad-love-junkie:
Ahh man. I was not expecting to hear Dave. A beautiful soulful track and one of your best Ricky!

02/18/22 03:17:19PM @bustert:
Crazy music for crazy people with a special style- yeah!
Rob Grant
02/14/22 04:50:51PM @rob-grant:
I loved the music!! Real good feel and a swagger to it❤️ I agree the lyrics are left to interpretation and it’s definitely a common ground thought for all. Unite as one human civilization
02/13/22 05:48:01PM @lorne-reid:
solid again guys. Great vibe , great sound, great story. Yer not on a roll, you are steamrolling!!!! Cheers!
Rich Lodato
02/13/22 02:39:58PM @rich-lodato:
Another gr8 trk from you two! David, I think you found the perfect frame for your poetry. Ricky, you just amaze.
02/13/22 08:56:38AM @tristynleach:
This is very good and very poetic as always, like the way its open to interpretation to a certain extent lyrically, vocals great as always, music guitars so good. great track guys


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