Self Tort
Self Tort


@self-tort • last year • comments: 7
Posted a new Comment on St Bridget:
"Hi Farrell, yeah still kicking around, mate. Had a good run of live gigging before the pandemic hit. Have a few new things to share. Look forward to catching..."
@self-tort • last year • comments: 7
Posted a new Comment on St Bridget:
"Thanks Shane. Long time no see. Hope you're travelling well"
@self-tort • last year • comments: 7
Posted a new Comment on St Bridget:
"Thanks, Tony. I'll get you a free download when it's formally released."
@self-tort • last year • comments: 7
Created a new Audio File:
St Bridget
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 0
Posted a new blog:
Free Giveaway
If any mixposure member is interested, I have coupons to CDBaby which will allow you to download my EP "Oldest Roadies on the Earth", and my latest CD "Stripped Bare"...
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on Tonight:
"Many thanks, Farrell. If you'd like a copy of the CD I can send you the password to download it for free at CD Baby. You need to be a member (or join uP to)..."
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on Tonight:
"Thanks, David. Good to catch up with. BTW - I've got some coupons with CD Baby which will allow you a free download of the CD. Let me know if you're..."
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 8
Created a new Audio File:
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 29
Posted a new Comment on * La Frontera Del Corazon * TLT50 & Kephas :
"Always nice to see people I admire get together. Larry and Kephas put together an awesome track here. Not a problem with the Hammond in the mix Larry - it..."
@self-tort • 7 years ago
Posted a new Timeline Comment: {jrCore_module_url} required parameter "module" is missing ()
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 0
Posted a new Comment on Baby Don't Cry For Me (BY) Leo Schmied, TN > (W) Jimmy Dean Brooks, N.C. (RIP) Leo Schmied :
"This is really beautiful work guys. It is clearly a very personal song to a friend and the passion really comes through. Powerful vocals with some really..."
@self-tort • 7 years ago • comments: 0
Posted a new Comment on Take What You Can (Ft. Fred White):
"Get down and get dirty. This is great work, Ron and Fred. Love the growling vocals and the great energy. I could imagine this really rocking a bar. Nice harp..."