Commented on: Par4
04/10/18 03:52:29PM @shane:
Dace !!! it's great to see and listen and enjoy a new number from you. bro, it's not sloshy compliment, just fact- this track is cool. My ears and senses enjoy what i'm hearing . personal opinion, I surmise that you have been through a real wringout process- looking for the best breakthroughs and forward steps in your musician expression - and this number says it clearly- you're hitting those lofty highs successfully - bottom line, i just clicked play, again, because i want to hear it again. that's the whole game right there ! aint it.
Dace !!! it's great to see and listen and enjoy a new number from you. bro, it's not sloshy compliment, just fact- this track is cool. My ears and senses enjoy what i'm hearing . personal opinion, I surmise that you have been through a real wringout process- looking for the best breakthroughs and forward steps in your musician expression - and this number says it clearly- you're hitting those lofty highs successfully - bottom line, i just clicked play, again, because i want to hear it again. that's the whole game right there ! aint it.