The TrueVulgarians
The TrueVulgarians
The TrueVulgarians

Short-term Fantasy

album: A Reason to Walk in the Rain
genre: Acoustic
streams: 175
creation date: 2015-01-24

  Song Information
Short-term Fantasy by the TrueVulgarians music, lyrics, acoustic guitar, vocals, production by Bill Thompson
Short-term Fantasy
04/29/18 09:45:45PM @wricky:
really well done track ! heard it on the radio tonight ~cheers!
Farrell Jackson
05/04/17 06:39:21PM @farrell-jackson:
Back for another listen. It's been awhile since I've heard this and it just reinforces what a great songwriter/storyteller you are TV. I enjoyed it again!


Gary Shukoski
07/19/16 03:37:21AM @gary-shukoski:
Going through these one by one with headphones. Really love how clean and full the acoustic sounds and you got a great way that you can easily convey you storytelling to the listener where it paints a vivid picture. Your lyrics put me right in that bar with you, watching the scenes unfold.
07/18/16 11:32:18PM @moequinn:
Love this song ~ but then, I love all of your songs I have heard & I have yet to hear them all ~ your songs always touch my heart ~ you are an amazing story teller (reminding me of the folk singers of yesteryear) & I can relate to this song for in my youth I made many unwise choices thankfully nothing that ruined me or my life TMI
03/21/15 03:43:49AM @reeker:
Beautiful vocals, lyrics, and guitar!!!
Buddy Powell
02/28/15 07:25:01PM @thebudpowell:
The TrueVulgarians, Actually that is not a bad song! It's rock n roll is what it is. I kinda liked it. It needs a whole rock band behind it.
Lyrical Princess
02/21/15 07:40:15PM @lyrical-princess:
Bad choices.. Oh how I can relate.. LOL ~ As always, I find myself searching for the words to describe how your music touches me. You're an amazing story teller. Weather it be truth or fiction, I am captivated every time I hear one of your songs. Same thing goes for this one . What can I say that hasn't already been said ? I've really enjoyed my listen. Keep on doing what you're doing, because it is definitely working!! Great job!! :)
02/14/15 11:04:53PM @hydrogen3:
Love Love Love this!!!
01/31/15 10:16:35AM @the-bard-brothers:
Like the chord shift after "the lens of a bourbon gaze." I like harmonies, though I might bring the levels down on theme a little bit as they almost fight for supremacy in the mix. Otherwise a rock-solid tune. Well done, good sir.
Bobby G
01/26/15 09:07:29AM @bobby-g:
great Lyrics and vocals my friend as always
Farrell Jackson
01/25/15 01:12:14PM @farrell-jackson:
A great story Bill and presented so well in song and verse!


01/25/15 08:28:42AM @ron-kauffman:
Great tune TV....You know I love story songs and you do them so well. Your a master at story telling, a musical poet :)
Barefoot Music
01/24/15 07:18:01PM @barefoot-music-group:
You make it difficult to have a favorite Truevulgarian favorite, but today this is currently mine.
01/24/15 05:40:24PM @david-c-deal:
You are a master of the "poetic picture" Bill. Very nice.


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