Coming Soon - iMS Radio
<p><font size="3">Hey Guys!</font></p><p><font size="3">Some of you may have heard that Nexus Radio UK will no longer be using the iMS Chat Room. No there is not bad blood between the two sites! Stop thinking drama guys lol. </font></p><p><font size="3">While the iMS Chat Room offered Nexus the ability to get away from their IRC Chatroom, it did have some limitations for them. We require a login to keep it secure, some of the ignore features caused some problems I guess (I am looking into this) and they did not have admin permissions in the chat. </font></p><p><font size="3">We also had some complaints about the language and the tone of some of the shows. iMS has people of all ages on here and some are under 21. We never want anyone to be uncomfortable so always try and keep it professional. <br /></font></p><p><font size="3">We are saddened to see Nexus move but they will still be playing music from the fine artists on iMS. The problem is, we really liked the interaction in the chatroom during shows. When we first started this site, our chatroom was always active and then we just started using the forum shoutbox more. I forgot how much fun the chat was! We were asked about starting iMS Radio several months ago and I just did not feel we had the time to do it. I guess now is as good of time as any to give it a shot. </font></p><p><font size="3">So if you have longed to do an internet radio show please give this some thought. We will be looking for some people to step up to the mic so to speak. We should have everything in place tomorrow and will be doing some testing. We have the ability to play music at 320K bitrate but I think we will just run 192k as the site allows so the streamed music will sound the same as the artist intended.</font></p><p><font size="3">So what do you think? </font></p><p><font size="3">Dazed</font></p><p> </p><p><font size="4" color="#ff0000">Update - I am starting to get the hang of this stuff. Right now you can think of this as an iMS Jukebox. </font></p> <font size="4" color="#ff0000"><a href="">iMS Radio Stream</a></font>
WHP, I REALLY don't think you want to see Rob's ****, after school or anytime....lol
Having fun?
I say we wipe this and just let the music play,ours and the radio/radios.
We are after all musicans.
As for all the differeing opinions,just let them be,makes no difference to yours,or yours or yours or mine.
No one is wrong,no is the bad guy,just different opinions.
So,you know,c'mon
Who really needs it right?
Count me...IN!!! Ready and willing to lend a helping hand......and alot of support. HEY!! NOW!! Don't anyone peak....
Hey Teach!!!
Can I use a # 1 lead??...it's all I got....
Only one thing to do now! Have a Play off!!
Dace - show me where I called you a name and I will upgrade your account
You need to realize, when we post comments, they always make perfect sense to us. Others reading them may have to interpret what was said because it did not come across as clearly as what we intended.
As I said, this comment: "So this stuff will go away soon then???? GOOD!!!....Let us know....
I have no idea what "stuff" you are referring to. I assumed you meant iMS Radio. That is why I said you do not have to play it. Now if this was meant for something else, my apologies.
Most people should know me well enough to understand a few things. I listen to people and value their opinions. I would rather help than criticize. Name calling has never been my forte. It solves nothing.
Hope this helps!
Hey DACE......MOST IMPORTANTLY..........I was joking.....about myself too. Paranoia and Grandeur.....Man! TV, might work better. At least ya get to see the Body Language. Dace!! I couldn't have any more respect and good thoughts of you, if I tried. MEANING!!! "I LOVE YOU, MAN !!!" NEVER meant for you to take anything I say as a negative. Bashing you???? That's about the furthest thing from reality, bud
Dace I consider you a friend man but I think you need your morning cup of coffee
"So this stuff will go away soon then???? GOOD!!!....Let us know....
This made no sense to me my friend!
Dace you are losing me here or maybe you are just losing it? Remember, in order to listen to the radio station, you have to push the play link. If you do not want to listen to it, don't click the link. It is a simple concept!
I think the cool thing about this is when shows are not playing, you can stream some music from here. If you like what you hear, you can see the artist and hit their page at your leisure.
ok I have decided to dump iMS Radio in favor of iMS TV. So can we bash that instead for awhile?
We are getting closer on the radio stuff. Still have some tests to run and make sure it is all working. iMS TV will be coming eventually lol.
Dazed...so far you have done great job in everything and this idea sounds good!
Why not?
Gary C
I dunno, like some one said, nothing is for ever. things change, people come people go etc.. Guess we'll see how it goes. Will we still have to log in on the old chat room thing? or will there be a new way of doing it..
Please keep Rasmuth, he rocks...
Well this is kind of a surprise,don't know what it all means but I will go with the flow. One thing I have found in the music biz is that nothing lasts forever...kinda like life in general.I wish everyone the best...Ken/Detour
The people I have meant and "chatted" with (DJ's ,artists etc.) during Nexus broadcasts ,have been a memorable experience. I'm sure all the good things will continue to grow and flurish......PEACE,
Larry T........
didn't read everyone's contributions here but i think it's a great idea.. the more the merrier from the musicians point of view lol.. glad that nexus keeps rolling..
and cool that this super site will have one too.. if you need any european shows because of awkward time zones.. i speak 2 languages fluently - well make it 3 cause
swiss german is a slang language too.. anyway.. I'm low tech.. talk alot but not too much.. lol.. (music comes first) and i got loads of experience and am open to all genres.. except wank.. lol.. cheers dad..
A positive it is!!...interaction is a choice...we can have the best of everything if we choose to. Going back and reading the nexus (rules of en(12)gauge-ment)I understand completely.
Besides, Radio is the best way to go!! in any format!
you can see Wiz's post below. I spoke to him a few days ago and was not sure which way they were going to go. It was not until I saw the post that we decided to proceed with iMS Radio. I also talked to Wiz about that as well. There really is not much to this guys. If you are looking to read between the lines or find something else there, sorry there isn't anything else.
If you think about it, it just makes sense. I would never want an iMS Chatroom on someone else's server/site.
Hope this helps!
Wow...this one surely caught me off guard. Sad news indeed. I'm hoping that the nexus folks will continue to visit us in the IMS chat as I will continue to visit them on a weekly basis. I've made some VERY good friends there and intend on keeping the fellowship strong.
Seeing Bri-an's comment, in support of needing more info.....I should realize, that MANY of you have been around here and Nexus....alot longer than myself. SO!!! I appreciate the concerns and I'm anxious to find out more, myself. BUT!!! I do feel......unfortunately..."it is what it is"....and we can't let that stop our progress towards, wherever we wanna go.....hehehehehe
Hey Dace!!! Hmmm?!??!?! Looks like you have MIXPOSURE Paranoia and I have VISIONS of Granduer...hehehehe. I may be wrong, but I don't believe that there were really THAT many listeners. I used to frequent a place called "Aural Moon", which is a NET Prog Radio Station, with many connections......BUT!! Even they didn't have all that many listeners. It was an AWESOME Site for friends, chat, forums, and music. NOT an OMD site. The way I see it, like everything in life, an IMS Station will go where it gets taken. Now, I'm not a motivated business man, so I doubt I could help there, but I am an enthusiastic music listener, who likes to help promote. I believe, if we get behind this......and the site gets behind it.....we will move forward. Everything has a start.....and if we can figure out a way to make this happen, CASH IN on it.......Net Radio could be the direction that the Music Industry needs to find. Remember, at one time Google, AOL, Microsoft were just ideas. OK!! Having hyped the idea.....IS THERE A BUSINESS MAN IN THE HOUSE?!?!??!? hehehehehehe. Let's get positive, let's grow it.........I think RAS was TRUELY...on the RIGHT Track, with his efforts in promoting. There was only ONE thing, that turned me off.....NOT, the playing of GREAT music from artists outside of IMS...BUT!!! The entry of an instrumental from a non-IMS group, to the SSTM Event. I felt somewhat exploited......even though, the song was good.
RAMBLE!! Sorry......Really looking forward to hearing more input on this.
Hummm...me too..(in regards to lack of info) I have been a Nexus listener from day one...It's gone from foul launguage in the chat problem to what seems to be a total abandoment of the Radio (Nexus)altogether....
sad to hear about nexus radio, I was enjoying the interaction between Rasmuth and RScain, thats something you dont get on normal radio.
and that was the only reason i started logging into the chat when I have been home to do so..
It will be interesting to see if this IMS Radio takes of..
Please keep Rasmuth and RScain if u can..
Hmmm? Sad to hear about Nexus
In reality, I don't really know how many listeners there were for our Nexus shows, but I don't believe it to be SUPER!! SO!! I felt, we were promoting and helping to grow Nexus. NOW!! We can't be that far behind, even starting out NEW.....SO!! Let's do it.....let's talk it up....let's hope we can aquire some support from the current Nexus DJ's ....hehehehehehe.......Don't know if I could do a show, but if I did.....I'd love to do a prog, ambient, jazz, fusion, rock show......with atouch of blues, country, and folk....hmmm??? I guess that covers it all....hehehehehe. Looking forward to reading others opinions. I for one, will miss the chats.....I looked forward to seeing everybody.
Kool Concept DaZeD!!!..i always thought a OMD should have a 24/7 radio stream to showcase all the talents of their site.!!
You would know my only hang up with it is....lol
bri-an (the dail-up kid)
I don't see a loss here,maybe it's me?
Nexus will continue to roll and grow,and now we will also have IMS radio as well.
It's win win.
Whatever the reasons for that decision,it will all work out.
Don't see it as a negative see it as a posative
HAHA wow this thread went crazyer than one of Matty and STef's shows on Nexus Radio...
Good luck with IMS Radio.. just wondering, will the shows have to be 100% IMS artists, or will it be a mixture of Signed and IMS artists, or will it be any usnsigned artists, or just a mix of everything?
Just remember prospectable DJ's, to do a good job you need to do more than just sit there ready for a 4 hrs show (or however long your planning on doing one) - You need to listen to hundreds of tunes to find yourself those amazing 20-40 new tunes your going to be playing that week, plus deal with all the emails and requersts, you might also want to set aside alot of time for promoting your show to get more people envolved.. I would recomend you have 20-40 hours free EACH WEEK till you get set up.
Remember to have a decent mic as well, nothing worse than static down the air... and if your going to be broadcasting at 192kbps your going to need a minimum upload of about 24kbps with a ping to dazed server of under 150ms otherwise there will be lots of buffering issues.
I would advise having a half decent PC.. i'd recomend at least 2gig of ram, though you can do it on 1 gig.. and at least a 2ghz 64bit processor, though i would advise a 3.2ghz dual core at least.. You might also need a half decent sound card.. since upgrading my soundcard my shows have started to sound alot better, and i have lost alot of the problems i had.. and also the latency is ALOT better.
Anyway good luck to any of you prospective DJ's - let me know when u go live and i'll check ya out... and I will do my best not to give you my opinion lol.
anyway PEACEOUT!
Me too, Gabe.....I was just getting to know Wiz, Elstef, and Matty.......I enjoyed there communication. Maybe, it's a matter of the X-RATED type stuff that went on, which NEVER bothered me. Maybe this whole issue is over a market direction. Now, if the FCC ever got control of this.....DAMN! Our friends would suffer.....as do a ton of "Shock jocks". I wouldn't want to go after a Hannah Montana crowd, but don't need to be too far to the other exoreme either. I GUESS?!?!?!? I shoud Shut the F UP!!! I'm probably dabbling into areas, I don't know about. ZIP!! for the moment....hehehehhehehe
I like the reality show idea. We can model it after MTVs Real World. Call it IMS World - "When musicians stop making music and start bashing egos..."
Re-cast it for each season. Then have some of the favorites and the most hated individuals come back for a Survivor-type competition with the prize being a spot on the front page for a week. That'd REALLY bring out the egos!!
See Peter, WHP knows where her Towel is!
we are not abandoning Nexus lol. You will still see their banners flying high here