carol sue
carol sue
carol sue


carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago
@carol-sue is now following @lee-selwood
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago
Posted a new Timeline Comment: {jrCore_module_url} required parameter "module" is missing ()
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 2
Liked an audio item created by @kanya-gess: Here I am
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on Here I am:
"Cool tune~ and yes, I can guess!"
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago
@carol-sue is now following @kanya-gess
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 10
Posted a new Comment on Come On Helen:
"Found your post on FB~ lead me here. So nice to hear this song from you again! *****"
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 3
Liked an audio item created by @lee-selwood: The Long Way Feat..., Shane Plewes)
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 3
Posted a new Comment on The Long Way:
"Nice that you've made your way back to Mixposure! With this very cool rockin' tune, at that. Love the vocals, the music and all! Very impressive, for sure!!..."
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago
Liked a NO_LANG_MODULE_OR_SKIN item created by @:
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago
Liked a NO_LANG_MODULE_OR_SKIN item created by @:
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 2
Liked an audio item created by @rob-grant: SAVE AMERICA w/ BOB FORBES
carol sue
@carol-sue • 7 months ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on SAVE AMERICA w/ BOB FORBES:
"Great to hear you and Bob together in a song... Not just an instrumental either~ that was an adventure!! *****"