I'm Back!
Well how the heck are ya?
It's been a while since I have been here. I have great expectations for so many who i have met here. When i first to Mixposure I was asked to do a radio show The Mark Neuhart Show™ which had been changed from The Austin Stone LIVE Variety Show which I used to do on thebluescorneradio which is no longer available. R.I.P. Joe Cupp (Owner)
I liked that I could play multiple genres, and that is was available Globally since I was communicating With Carl and Archie in France and George in Australia and able to share their music with all of you ... Pretty cool!
I worked with Lakehouse Records to get Autographed CDs from the Artists. Like Buster Cousins , Ashelyn Summers (Chimed in from Japan) Joe Survival Caruso ( Which is kind off why I am doing this blog, he has a new CD out!)
I brought them on the chat windows and I think it was a lot of fun and helpful...
But my budget was hurting this led to that and I was suddenly gone.
Hey Sizit Happens right? and I continue on my mission... Now things have evolved in such a good way and it brings back memories of all of you that I worked with and shared. Sos a quick update!
In the meantime many things have been going on and I hope top bring some of you up to date on:
~TMNS™ The Mark Neuhart Show -feat. 'HOST' - Mark Neuhart
~ PlayAM777Promotions™ Mark Neuhart -C.E.O. and Founder
working with:
~ MindRAGEmusic © Partners Louie Nunziato and Mark Neuhart Professional Music Recording Studio
and now...
~ Break the Chain Films © -Mark Neuhart -Music Producer/Consultant
~ IndieStream.tv Mark Neuhart -Data Analyst
So I am also the Director on a new Platform. A combo of Netflix/Youtube /Hulu
Free for the viewers and you may dig a lot of the old movies as well as Independent films you will see no where else!
~If you have a video you would like to see on IndieStream.tv?
Run it by me... If I like it the next day it will be up for you to share and promote!
So there is a brief synopsis of the program...
A #Markforce1 Project
P.S. This should clear up any questions about what I am doing... LOL
I do all this with the help of The Austin Stone Players™ and about 30 people who are the core of: