First collab.
This is my first collab ever on the web. I put "I Won't Lie I Need A Drink" up for collab, and Josepf Rodz graciously took pity on me and added his awesome guitar work to it. Considering what he had to work with, I think he's done great!
This song is a true story. I'd just finished a round at the "Bluebird Cafe" in Nashville. I walked out and was heading to my car, when I spotted a man standing on the street corner holding a sign up that read, "I Won't Lie, I Need A Drink". SMACK!!!! right upside my songwriter's brain!! I wrote half the song on my way back to Friendsville. The next day I finished it.
Not being an incredible artist, I'm very happy that someone of Joseph's talent picked up on this and added his own special guitar work to it.
Thank you Joseph, I'm proud to have the chance to work on music with you, and I hope we can work on more in the future!
Peace, Ron
It's on my site Linda. I hope you enjoy it.
Wow.. How cool is that ? I'm looking forward to hearing it