
Category: News

Mixposure Subscriptions

By Admin, 2022-09-19

Recently we have been having some issues with our subscriptions where we were continually cancelling subscriptions that should not have been cancelled. We would fix it and there is a nightly code run that validates the subscriptions are active or not and it would update the subscription again to cancelled. This was obviously causing some frustrations to our users who could not upload music when they wanted to.

Yesterday an overhaul was done on our subscription service that was long overdue. This should fix the issue that some users were seeing but it seems that members who have been subscribers for a long time were inadvertently impacted. From what I can see, it looks like the subscription start date was the issue. Some of those dates went back 10-12 years which apparently was seen as the subscription end date. Good times. 

I am still looking at the subscriptions and will be doing an additional final check but I think everyone should be ok now. If you have a subscription and that is not appearing on your page, please let me know and we will fix it asap. 

My apologies to everyone this has impacted but in all honesty, this update needed to happen. 



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Merry Christmas To All

By Admin, 2021-12-25

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas (for those of you who celebrate!) and Santa brought you some new gear and you are spending some time with family.

It has been a tough couple of years for pretty much everyone so family and friends are more important than ever. Please take a couple of minutes today and reach out and let someone know you care. Not everyone is handling the Covid crisis well and the holidays are known to hit some people pretty hard. 

Thanks for being a part of Mix everyone! 


mix_holiday2.jpg mix_holiday2.jpg

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We maxed out a drive so no media was going to be saved. Apologies for anyone that was impacted! Everything should be back up and working.



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Jim's Artificial Earth

By Admin, 2021-02-13

Just a heads up everyone. I have asked JimsAE to help me out with the Mixposure Administrative items so feel free to reach out to him should you have any questions or concerns. Jim has been on Mixposure since the early days and has helped out in multiple areas over the years. It is great to have the additional help on here so thanks Jim!


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By Admin, 2021-01-04

I woke up this morning and was shocked to hear of the passing of Kephas.

Richard has been on Mixposure since the early days and was even a dj for awhile. He was an extremely talented musician and a frequent visitor to our chat room so many of you will be as shocked as I am. 

We have lost far too many great artists over the years. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. 


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Happy New Year

By Admin, 2021-01-01

Happy New Year! 2020 Has been an incredibly tough year and my guess is that everyone has been impacted one way or another with either Covid or the cascading side effects from it. Let's hope 2021 does a complete 180 and returns us to a normal lifestyle where our biggest worries are do I buy the Gibson, Fender or the PRS? The one nice consequence of 2020 was I spent a lot of time with Kat and my daughters. You have to make the best of the situation you are in and this was without a doubt more fun than I could have imagined.

Thanks to William Thompson, Jim Rustemeyer, Joseph Rodríguez, Ron Bowes for keeping MixStream Radio alive.


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Merry Christmas All

By Admin, 2020-12-25

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the day. Nothing beats 60 degree weather on Christmas day. I hope Santa dropped off some nice musical gifts for everyone. Please share what you received!!



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Happy Holidays

By Admin, 2020-12-21

Greetings All!

I hope everyone is having a great 2020! OK crap year I get it. Regardless of what is happening in the outside world, my wish is that everyone is having a great holiday regardless of all this COVID ^%&* going on. This is the season to buy new gear and spend the time indoors writing music.

I hope Santa brings you something fun Christmas and thanks for being a part of Mixposure!


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Halloween Tunes 2020

By Admin, 2020-10-15

How is everyone doing with Halloween Tunes? Looks like we have a great jump on this! 

Remember, just upload the song to your page and add the genre of "Halloween 2020" so we can find it. Check out some songs below!

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Eddie Van Halen

By Admin, 2020-10-06
Eddie Van Halen

Tragic day to all of us guitarists who grew up trying to be anything close to Eddie Van Halen. This man created a whole generation of guitarists that will continue to grow thanks to his genius. You will be missed EVH but never forgotten. 

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