<p>Congrats to <a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/Dan_Lawson">Dan Lawson</a> for having the Mixposure Song of the Week! This weeks winner was a tune called Miss You which you can hear below. Congrats Dan!</p><p> </p><p><object width="400" height="450" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="flashVars" value="radio_id=&song_id=28196&band_id=2599&autoplay=false&skin_color=0x000000&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&cluster_url=http://www2.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/modules/n8FlashPlayer/players/j3Xap.swf&remoteWidth=400&remoteHeight=450&system_name=Mixposure.com"></param><param name="quality" value="high"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value="http://www.mixposure.com/modules/n8FlashPlayer/players/j3Xap.swf"></param><param name="flashvars" value="system_name=Mixposure.com&radio_id=&song_id=28196&band_id=2599&autoplay=false&skin_color=0x000000&cluster_url=http://www2.mixposure.com&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/modules/n8FlashPlayer/players/j3Xap.swf&remoteWidth=400&remoteHeight=450"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><param name="pluginspage" value="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></param><embed width="400" height="450" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.mixposure.com/modules/n8FlashPlayer/players/j3Xap.swf" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="radio_id=&song_id=28196&band_id=2599&autoplay=false&skin_color=0x000000&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&cluster_url=http://www2.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/modules/n8FlashPlayer/players/j3Xap.swf&remoteWidth=400&remoteHeight=450&system_name=Mixposure.com" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="system_name=Mixposure.com&radio_id=&song_id=28196&band_id=2599&autoplay=false&skin_color=0x000000&cluster_url=http://www2.mixposure.com&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/modules/n8FlashPlayer/players/j3Xap.swf&remoteWidth=400&remoteHeight=450" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed> </object><br /> <strong><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_signup">Create Your Own Playlist</a></strong><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com">Mixposure.com</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Bio:</p><p>Dan Lawson does not just play the guitar, His guitar tells a story of Passion and Soul! Dan's Music is a vast mix of Rock, Blues, Jazz, and Funk! We allow the music to speak for us! We have been Playing from Sea to Shining Sea!! Dan is also a frequent performer at all the Major Blues Festivals through out North America such as The Ottawa Blues Festival and the Mont-Tremblant Blues festival in Montreal Canada. I have had the honor of sharing the stage with such Great Act's as "My Band of Brother's Of Blues and Funk!!! Erik MacPherson, Tim Provost and Sean Hagon" Chris "Whipper" Layton of "Double Trouble" The 4 Tops, Jr. Walker's Allstar's, The Contours, Bad Co, Styx, R.E.O and Speedwagon,Charlie Farren, Danny Klein, Lou Gramm, Rick Derringer, John Waite, Jack Blades, Vanilla Fudge, Blue Oyster Cult, Molly Hatchett, John Cafferty, Edgar Winters, Eddie Money, Z.Z.Top, .38 Special, John Kay and Steppenwolf. A very Special thanks to my Good Friends Rodger and Linda Earl of Foghat. Dan also has performed at the Ledgendary "Buffalochip" in Sturgis, South Dakota with the likes of, Kid Rock, Joe Walsh, Lynyrd Skynyrd, George Thorogood, Blue Oyster Cult, and Alice Cooper, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Toby Keith, and Papa Roach. Dan has been asked to Play again this year at "The Buffalochip" for Sturgis Bikeweek 2008. I would like to Thank the following Important People in my Life starting with My Wonderful Wife Brenda Truly the Love of my Life!!. Greg and Lee Sheridan at Full-Throttle Magizine, Robert Keeley Electronics, Todd and Marcia November at Biker Skin Care Products, Tim McKee at Mesa-Boogie Ampification, Rod Mackenzie at Rockit Guitars, SennheiserUSA, Tarina at Graph-Tech, C.B.I.Cables, Phil Fazin Photos, Bert and Chrissy at InTune Guitar Picks, Keith Medley at Mackie, Robbie Jarvis Sound and Lighting, Jeff Purchon at "Gig-fx" Waltham Ma, also, Paul Bondarovski of "Midnight Special Blues Radio" Paris, France.</p>
<p>As many of you know, Mike Kohlgraf has been on an extended leave from Mix Radio due to some health issues. Mike is planning on coming back on the air Saturday September 1st from 10PM EST until at least Midnight. Mike has a tendency to want to go longer but my hope is he limits his shows. It is an absolute honor having Mike back on the air. </p><p><br />Kooder will be on before Mike and will continue doing the Mix Files which I personally have thoroughly enjoyed! We have a great bunch of DJ's on Mixposure and I can't thank each of them enough. They dedicate countless hours to bring the best indie artists to the internet. So my thanks to each of you!</p><p>Todd</p><p><img src="http://www.mixposure.com/banners/Logo_Lg_5.png" alt="" width="450" height="84" /></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">STARTING IN NOVEMBER We are going to do a few live broadcasts a week starting at 8pm GMT! (Thats 12pm Pacific, 3pm Eastern) BigPete will start broadcasting a full 4 hour show at 8pm GMT ( 3pm Eastern ) on Saturdays before Mike Kohlgrafs show. ( That's 2 hours sooner!!) and I will be doing two shows: Mondays from 8pm GMT until 12am and on Fridays from 8pm GMT til 11pm. I'll start broadcasting until 11pm GMT, take a two hour break ( auto DJ ) and then return to my regular Devodale Friday show starting at 8pm Eastern. We have wanted to incluse the other side of the pond for quite awhile now, and looks like we got the thumbs up, so if you live in the UK and want to be heard, just join the hottest independent site on ther web: Mixposure.com, and send your music to devodale@yahoo.com for Devodales shows and borduas.p@videotron.ca for BigPetes show! Drop us an email to let us know if you are interested in Djing from the UK as well!! I will post more on this soon! <br /></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Dale<br /></span></p><p> </p><p> </p>
<p><a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/blogs/staff-blog/eddie-van-halen-goes-bananas-on-howard-stern-the-full-highlights-20060914">Article Link in Rolling Stone</a></p><p>Not that there was anything major in this article but I thought it was interesting. I have been a long time VH fan as well as a long time Sammy fan so I have the utmost respect for each of them.</p><p>Eddie however seems to really feel he is the genius behind everthing which I find hard to believe. When he says "Playing All My Songs" I kind of have to laugh. In the Sammy days, I know who was writing the lyrics and the memorable choruses. In the end, it is a group that make a band whole. I think this is why U2 has and always will be successful. The split everything equally. Less chance of ego' and jealousy getting in the way!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div class="blog-post-content"><p>A few days ago <a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2006/09/12/reunion-rumor-madness-featuring-van-halen-and-the-faces/">we reported</a> on Eddie Van Halen's recent radio interview with Howard Stern, but nothing but a transcription can capture the true insanity of this exchange -- it's taken us hours and hours just to process Van Halen's vitriolic comments about David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar and how his 15-year old son Wolfgang is a better bass player than Michael Anthony. Let's go straight to the highlights:</p><p><strong>On curing his tongue cancer without chemo or radiation:</strong><br /> Eddie Van Halen: "I cured my cancer in a way that's not exactly legal in this country. I'd tell you, but I don't want to go to jail. When you drink your damn draino it just holds it at bay. It comes back. Cancer is like a cockroach. It just comes back stronger. I'm tearing apart the immune system of the cockroach and seeing how it ticks. I've opened up my own pathology center. Some of us open tequila bars in Mexico, I'm curing cancer. They cut a healthy piece of my tongue off and grew healthy cells outside of my body and tested them. I'm missing a third of my tongue. They butchered me. I didn't quit smoking after I got tongue cancer cause smoking didn't cause it."</p><p><strong>On a possible reunion with David Lee Roth:</strong><br /> HS: "Diamond David Lee Roth never wanted piano in Van Halen."<br /> EVH: "You mean cubic zirconia?"<br /> HS: "You're never going to do a reunion with him, are you?"<br /> EVH: "Ummm...You know, I'm open to anything."<br /> HS: "Really? He makes it seem like you are never open..."<br /> EVH: "In 2000 Alex and I tried to pull something together with him."<br /> HS: "What happened? You couldn't stand being around him?"<br /> EVH: "No, the guys's a loose cannon - but I can deal with loose cannons."<br /> Robin: "Everyone says you're the problem."<br /> EVH: "Yeah, because I don't respond or talk about this stuff."</p><p><strong>On Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony's current Sans Halen tour:</strong><br /> EVH: "Michael Sobolewski [Michael Anthony's real last name] is out touring with 'the little red rocker' ... I mean the little red worm. I got no problem with these guys, but they're billing themselves as the other half of Van Halen. My brother is the other half of Van Halen. They're out there selling hot sauce and tequila and playing all my songs. It doesn't bother me. It just makes them a cover band."</p><p><strong>On the porno movie he wrote two songs for:</strong><br /> EVH: "I don't call it porn. I call it sex. It's like <em>Braveheart</em> with a **** shot. Everyone's giving me their dweeb opinion about this - but without sex you wouldn't be here to give me your dweeb opinion."</p><p><strong>On his new girlfriend:</strong><br /> EVH: "I have a girlfriend. Her name's Janie. She's a press agent...You're damn right she's super hot. We met at a press conference. We've been together two months."</p><p><strong>On his fifteen-year-old son Wolfgang joining Van Halen:</strong><br /> EVH: "My son Wolfgang plays drums, guitars and bass. This kid is fucking dangerous. If I excel at the speed of sound, he excels at the speed of light. My brother goes, 'This is the first time I've had bass in my headphones.' He's only fifteen years old and he's getting laid. He's spanking it too."<br /> HS: "How do you know that?"<br /> EVH: "When you spend 45 minutes in the bathroom you're not taking a shower. Valerie and I have joint custody of Wolfgang. For the last couple of weeks Alex, he and I have been jamming together."<br /> HS: "You wouldn't go back on the road with Hagar, would you?"<br /> EVH: "I'm pretty much open to anything. What's going to happen is that there's a new member of Van Halen, and that is my son."<br /> HS: "I'm hearing your son is in and Michael Anthony is out."<br /> EVH: "My son is in and Sobolewski can do whatever he wants. The name Van Halen, the family legacy, is going to go on long after I'm gone. This kid is just a natural. I'm going to have him play on a solo record, and it's going to be out - he and I."</p></div>
<p><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #c0c0c0;">Hey Everyone!!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #c0c0c0;">Just wanted to thank to everyone for their participation in the first Mixposure Oktoberfest celebration. Gina did a fantastic job with some creative picture editing with our Mixposure Members. The chatroom that night was full and lively with some great music being played and some hilarious songs by our members.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #c0c0c0;">This leads us up to Halloween this Saturday! We have a ton of Halloween songs already submitted and will be featuring them on Mike K's show this Saturday. I think we will give everyone until Nov 11th to determine the song with the most plays to determine who wins the Mixposure T-Shirt. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #c0c0c0;">The next site track will be our annual Holiday Song Submissions. Jim of Abbeyville Road approached me about doing a Mixposure Holiday CD to sell with the proceeds going to a charity. I am all for this personally but I can't speak for everyone here. How many would be interested? </span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #c0c0c0;">Dazed</span><br /></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><span style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">Our apologies for the down time yesterday. There was a server issue that affected the artist pages as well as some other areas. I could not even post a blog message about the issue so I had to resort to the shoutbox!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">It looks like everything is up and running again and there appears to be no data loss. Looks like we dodged a bullet there!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Have a great day everyone and again, sorry for the down time!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Todd</span></p><p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Hey Everyone!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">I am hoping you can help spread the word on something new we are doing at Mixposure. I have wanted to add this for some time and finally got around to it. We have added a new "Artist" if you will for Comedians. So comedians can now <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/signup.php?mode=signup&template=signup_comics.tpl&quota_id=16">signup</a> and upload their stand-up shows they have done live or from their own recording studio. Eventually what we would like to do is create a new hour long radio show of various comics. I think it would be a lot of fun!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">So please add it to your Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or any other form of communication you can think of to help spread the word!</span></p>
<div style="text-align: justify;"><span>Sunday on TheChillZone with your host ThePolarBear a tribute will be paid to a Mixposure Artist who has left his mortal coil on the earth to join the great ones in the universe of heavens. </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span><br />Ron Pestana... was first and foremost a race car driver.... but his heart pumped rock and roll into his racing and some pretty amazing songs came out as a result. Ron wrote songs about racing from the drivers perspective.. serious rock tunes with a view to the world of racing that only precious few get to see. </span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span><br />In song and lyric Ron tells it like it is.. sometimes with tounge firmly planted in cheek hence the song "Last when you Crash" or the haunting and very sureal song "hot lap my ashes" He always told the truth about his life of racing... a truth that will ring in your ears like a weekend at a good loud stock car race at the local roundy round.... We will also feature a monologe from Ron's Racing and Music partner Mr Bill Bentley....</span></div><div style="text-align: justify;"><span><br />As a fitting tribute to the man whom i was humbled to call a friend we wish to celebrate his life in music and racing... Please join me ThePolarBear for this special show starting at 8pm EST Sunday the 12th of 2012 on MixStreamRadio </span></div><p><span><br /><a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/Ron_Pestana_and_the_Pit_Crew/">http://www2.mixposure.com/Ron_Pestana_and_the_Pit_Crew/</a><br /><a href="http://www.concordmusicstudios.com/home.cfm">http://www.concordmusicstudios.com/home.cfm</a><br /><a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ron-Pestana-and-the-Pit-Crew/144579105556328">https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ron-Pestana-and-the-Pit-Crew/144579105556328</a></span></p>