chris moore
chris moore
chris moore

Chris Plays Guitar Shock... Out with the neglected Mr Jackson

user image 2009-01-02
By: chrismoore
Posted in: try something different for a change
Chris Plays Guitar Shock... Out with the neglected Mr Jackson

Oh **** I've got sore fingers!  How in hell am I going to make a roll-up with these?  It's alright for you real guitarists but my fingers prefer the touch of ivory.  Anyway suffice it to say that my old Mr Jackson was sitting there looking all blue and not too metallic under the coat of dust that had settled on him and making me feel guilty and how long is it since I did a real guitar song...?   so I blew off the dust and polished him up a bit, and then he made me play this song I've called Walk Away.  I'm not used to mixing guitar tunes.  All the controls WAY up high on the multiband to let it all come through, so I ended up with a lot of lower reverb... ah who cares anyway...

Hope you like it.  I did.  And don't ask me how many takes to get the (rather easy) solo just right...

Happy new year, all!



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