Decisions, Decisions...
The difficulty, when you've been away for a while and you have got a few songs waiting to see the light of day, is knowing which one to put up next.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to listen to Walking on Water, the first solo song I've floated out there into the wide world for over a year. Thanks also for the reviews, you guys! I've been a bit slack in that department myself, but I'm now home for three whole lovely weeks and I'm going to hunt out some of the great tracks hiding on here so's I can pinch some of your ideas (only joking ).
In the end I decided to put out a new song called "Skies of blue" next. Back to my secret eco-warrior stance for this one, something with a similar story line to my old song "Contranature" but written from an after-the-event perspective. One day I might even write a happy song, who knows
Here's the link to the new one - thanks for listening if you got this far.
All the best