Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

Six Strings

album: Jaxonville
genre: Progressive Acoustic Rock
streams: 221
creation date: 2008-01-10

  Song Lyrics
"Six Strings" 1. Six strings on a neck, compressed by the touch Bidding the desire, of the players soft pluck Individually strung, collectively strummed To...
  Song Information
Credits: Farrell Jackson - all instruments, vocals, and engineering/mix/production. About "Six Strings": I hope this takes you on a journey. I wanted to...
Six Strings
Farrell Jackson
02/28/22 12:50:19PM @farrell-jackson:
To all those that I've been a slacker at thanking you for listening and commenting on my song, Six Strings, I truly appreciate you all! @rayon-vert (Rob Grant), @tlt50, @diva, @tcp, @bri-an, @incarnate-word, and @lorne-reid.
Farrell Jackson
10/05/19 03:33:44PM @farrell-jackson:
Frank Northcutt:
This is a classic, Farrell. I remember it well. Reminds me. I have to go back and listen to your back catalog. I believe I have all your CDs. :)

I thank you kindly Frank......I also believe I have all your cd's, hehehe.

Frank Northcutt
10/04/19 08:23:36PM @frank-northcutt:
This is a classic, Farrell. I remember it well. Reminds me. I have to go back and listen to your back catalog. I believe I have all your CDs. :)
12/07/18 12:20:54PM @lorne-reid:
Great tone and playing Farrell. Nicely built tune. I like how it kicks in the electric part . Always a great story too!!! Cheers.
Incarnate Word
03/08/10 02:57:51AM @incarnate-word:
I like the production on this. very clean and again its great the way you use the Harmonica in your music. great lyrics. they match the melody very well. great Job. what does it remind me of. sitting on a beach somewhere drinking Pinacoladas with my toes in the sand.
01/21/08 08:12:44AM @bri-an:
Very well structured song...right from the top! The build up is perfectly executed...letting go at the right times..The melodic flow in this toon is a winner with me. presentation is everything. you present yourself very well...excellent delivery!
I hear your experience clearly. Enjoyed much, nice to meet you! bri-an

01/15/08 01:30:01PM @tcp:
Ok, I'll have to admit I'm a Farrell noob. Maybe I just don't get around enough. Had to check out the progressive song. To start out with, love your acoustic sound and playing, but then the harmonica signals such a cool transition, later going to the electric. This song is loaded with fine detail and careful touches my friend. Besides the great playing and song, you've got the progressive mojo my friend. Love it!! ~Blake
01/11/08 03:45:03AM @diva:
The acoustic guitar in this just blows me away. I love the tone and sound quality of how it is recorded here ... and the playing is excellent.

Great vocals. Nice use of percussion with the acoustics. I like the way you brought in the bass and second acoustic, and keep building up the song.

I could listen to this one all day. very tight arrangement, Oh -- and kudos to the harp blower. Excellent tune all around.

01/10/08 10:03:45PM @tlt50:
I really enjoyed this track. Great acoustical work,but the added thoughtful additions to the overall listen of this track were super cool and accomplished with great results.Superb ,lyrics and vocals.....then you gave me some harp and sizzling guitar lics.A most outstanding song !!!! A pleasure to listen too. !!

Rob Grant
01/10/08 06:31:23PM @rayon-vert:
VERY VERY VERY COOL SONG!!! Tight composition, great performance, excellent vocals........LOVE this track, Farrell!!

01/10/08 03:56:05PM @pyramis:
Love that acoustic guitar sound Farrell,nicely done.
Mix is very good,and that harmonica sounds good.
Harmonies are as good as ever.
Good tune brother.


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