Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

It's Bad Luck

album: Orchid Faded Sky
genre: Blues Rock
streams: 82
creation date: 2019-02-20

  Song Lyrics
It's Bad Luck I've got a broken shovel and a worn out hoe I've toiled in the soil but my garden won't grow I give it lots of lovin' and some tender care It's...
  Song Information
Here's a repost/remaster of a short, fun, bluesy rock song I wrote several years ago. It's called Bad Luck. It's off my 1st CD, Orchid Faded Sky. It's been a...
It's Bad Luck
Farrell Jackson
03/21/19 11:36:42AM @farrell-jackson:
Nicely laid back groove. I like the subdued soloing, very very nice. You're doing some great tunes here.

Thanks Ian !

03/21/19 02:51:41AM @freudian-slip:
Nicely laid back groove. I like the subdued soloing, very very nice. You're doing some great tunes here.
Farrell Jackson
02/21/19 10:53:23AM @farrell-jackson:
tony cee:
brilliant song Farrell , love the words , cool guitar work ,super mix …...tony cee

Thanks Tony!

tony cee
02/20/19 04:46:45PM @tony-cee:
brilliant song Farrell , love the words , cool guitar work ,super mix …...tony cee
Farrell Jackson
02/20/19 03:37:59PM @farrell-jackson:
Hey thanks Ray! It was a fun little song to do.


Ray Brookes
02/20/19 02:25:44PM @ray-brookes:
Nicely constructed rock blues number, Farrell; great sounding guitars and love those lyrics.


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