Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

Another Day That Ends In "Y" (feat. DrC, Gary C, Rob G)

album: #6
genre: Blues Rock
streams: 56
creation date: 2020-06-06

  Song Lyrics
It's just another day that ends in "Y".............
  Song Information
Another Day That Ends In "Y". I felt this song needed some attention. So some strategic eqing and a remaster with LANDR gave it a little polish.  Credits:...
Another Day That Ends In "Y" (feat. DrC, Gary C, Rob G)
gary burris
02/18/21 10:08:18PM @gary-burris:
Ferrell I have always been a fan of your music since I have been a member of Mixposure back in 2008 its been a while since I have been active and brother your still taking it to em delivering the goods and you have an all star line up of collaborating musicians some of Mixposures finest. hat tip to you all
Farrell Jackson
06/15/20 06:10:01PM @farrell-jackson:
Great track cuz. Love it! Big and brash and catchy.

We all thank you cuz Ron!

Farrell Jackson
06/15/20 06:08:32PM @farrell-jackson:
Farrell's name is in my rocking voice album!
Rayon Vert Boys always KIKAZZ..."Love it"

Thanks Joseph!

06/13/20 02:31:11PM @ronbowes:
Great track cuz. Love it! Big and brash and catchy.
06/09/20 04:18:34PM @josephrodz:
Farrell's name is in my rocking voice album!
Rayon Vert Boys always KIKAZZ..."Love it"

Farrell Jackson
06/07/20 12:01:07PM @farrell-jackson:
Sounds great Farrell. I have used LANDER many times. Some great guitar work here. This song just moves ya along. Feeling it big time. Very nice work!

Thanks Eric

06/07/20 11:34:19AM @bad-love-junkie:
Sounds great Farrell. I have used LANDER many times. Some great guitar work here. This song just moves ya along. Feeling it big time. Very nice work!

Farrell Jackson
06/07/20 09:07:26AM @farrell-jackson:
Enjoying this RV trip Farrell , your remaster sounds pro to me, I'm no expert on that , but every RV song I have heard over the years has the collective musical chops from each of you guys to fill out a song so well...it is always impressive and inspiring. ~☆☆☆☆☆ max stars

Thanks for the support Ricky!

06/07/20 09:00:55AM @wricky:
Enjoying this RV trip Farrell , your remaster sounds pro to me, I'm no expert on that , but every RV song I have heard over the years has the collective musical chops from each of you guys to fill out a song so well...it is always impressive and inspiring. ~☆☆☆☆☆ max stars 😆


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