Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

Stop Kicking That Cat

album: None Yet
genre: 60's Pop Rock
streams: 77
creation date: 2021-04-11

  Song Lyrics
Stop Kicking That Cat(Intro-Slide and Harmony guitar)(V1) When your world is going south… and you don’t know what to doYou need to talk it out… to change...
  Song Information
Waveman contacted me for a collaboration. He asked if I would be interested in adding vocals and some guitar to his music. I listened to his cool...
Stop Kicking That Cat
Farrell Jackson
08/15/21 06:17:08PM @farrell-jackson:
Twank Whelan:
Title and artwork aroused my curiosity, glad it did. Some cats don't get off so lucky ;) Seriously this is a fine slice of pop/rock, enjoying all performances.

Thanks from both Ed and I, Twank!

Twank Whelan
08/12/21 04:19:55PM @twank-whelan:
Title and artwork aroused my curiosity, glad it did. Some cats don't get off so lucky ;) Seriously this is a fine slice of pop/rock, enjoying all performances.
Farrell Jackson
06/09/21 09:49:43AM @farrell-jackson:
Fab clab. Cool musical vibe and top vocals and I love the title.

From both of us , thanks Ronbo!

04/13/21 01:23:18PM @ronbowes:
Fab clab. Cool musical vibe and top vocals and I love the title.
Farrell Jackson
04/11/21 11:54:42PM @farrell-jackson:
Ed and I both thank you for the good comments @tony-cee, @wricky, @moquinn!
04/11/21 09:56:44PM @moequinn:
yes, this is an uplifting song ~ 2020 has been one heck of a year....as it continues into 2021 & it helps to have a positive attitude thru it all
great song Waveman & Farrell

04/11/21 07:59:37PM @wricky:
I hope the good light from this song spreads out and lifts up the spirits , it did for me , great song gents!
tony cee
04/11/21 04:15:39PM @tony-cee:
great tune farrell and waveman think ive heard this before , sounds fantastic great harp , top marks cheers tony cee


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