Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

True Blue Cowboy

album: Jaxonville
genre: Country Rock
streams: 20
creation date: 2021-09-15

  Song Lyrics
I'll be your true blue cowboy etc............
  Song Information
A song off my Jaxonville album...from my country rock daze or should I say faze . I wrote this song while mowing the lawn, lol. Credits: Farrell Jackson...
True Blue Cowboy
Farrell Jackson
09/17/21 11:50:17AM @farrell-jackson:
Polished performance cuz. Great track - pleasant melody. ;-)

Thanks cuz Ron @ronbowes !

09/16/21 10:39:17AM @ronbowes:
Polished performance cuz. Great track - pleasant melody. ;-)
Farrell Jackson
09/15/21 01:47:32PM @farrell-jackson:
Thanks for the listen and good words @twank-whelan !
Twank Whelan
09/15/21 01:27:45PM @twank-whelan:
You have gone through some fazes, haven't ya? You work well in the genres I've heard you take on so far, this one's no exception. Great vocal and some slick picking, this reminds me slightly of Vince Gill


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