album:FJ #3 genre:Farrell Rock streams:43 creation date:2022-06-12
Song Lyrics
It's Time U Faced It.
It's Time U Faced It (Bud Drums)
It's Time U Faced It.
Song Information
This song is tuned to 432Hz pitch instead of 440Hz. Why? Because it's the peaceful, pleasing sound of the earth's vibration and it's what I do when I get...
This song is tuned to 432Hz pitch instead of 440Hz. Why? Because it's the peaceful, pleasing sound of the earth's vibration and it's what I do when I get bored, lol. It's also the tuning that Mozart preferred but alas, I'm no Mozart.
Farrell Jackson - Songwriter and all instruments, vocals and mix.
Sounding GREAT Farrell and Bud. hey i came here also to tell you i posted a comment on your vocal with Joseph-Rod, CAN'T LOVE. You really hit that song perfect Farrell.
On this song 'It's Time u faced it', there's a lot of attractive sound. One thing in particular is the guitar work.
07/08/22 07:00:35AM @shane:
Sounding GREAT Farrell and Bud. hey i came here also to tell you i posted a comment on your vocal with Joseph-Rod, CAN'T LOVE. You really hit that song perfect Farrell.
On this song 'It's Time u faced it', there's a lot of attractive sound. One thing in particular is the guitar work.
06/27/22 03:59:39PM @jimsae:
I love this one a lot, FJ! And I was eye-balling that picture of your G&L, sweet! Always great to hear Kevin on the drums!
06/18/22 05:22:08PM @bustert:
Fat ,good & dynamic sound - very good voice- a must to hear!
06/18/22 01:08:53PM @bad-love-junkie:
Very cool song Farrell. Your voice is excellent on this. A very interesting tidbit on the tuning
06/15/22 12:08:44PM @farrell-jackson:
Thanks, Rich, for listening and for the good comments! @lodato
Just some songs that I've written over the years and to date. Plus some collaboration songs as well.
I've had fun with this music stuff most of my life...
Just some songs that I've written over the years and to date. Plus some collaboration songs as well.
I've had fun with this music stuff most of my life and still do. I gigged in a band for 35 years but now I'm just a home studio hack. Made some bucks from gigging but I guess the real payout is the numerous stories and memories from the road.
For a while I ran a small project studio at my place for soloists, duos, and the occasional full band. I gained a lot of recording experience doing that. It was definitely an experience. These days it's just me having fun in the studio. I try this and that with songwriting and recording. Once in a while it works. If I come up with something decent, which I think sounds ok, I'll post it up.
You can find my music on most of the popular sites ie. Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music etc. Thanks for visiting and if you have the time, hit the play button to hear a song or two.
@bad-love-junkie, @bustert, @jimsae - Thanks guys for the kind words on It's Time U Faced It. Much appreciated!
Sounding GREAT Farrell and Bud. hey i came here also to tell you i posted a comment on your vocal with Joseph-Rod, CAN'T LOVE. You really hit that song perfect Farrell.
On this song 'It's Time u faced it', there's a lot of attractive sound. One thing in particular is the guitar work.
Sounding GREAT Farrell and Bud. hey i came here also to tell you i posted a comment on your vocal with Joseph-Rod, CAN'T LOVE. You really hit that song perfect Farrell.
On this song 'It's Time u faced it', there's a lot of attractive sound. One thing in particular is the guitar work.
I love this one a lot, FJ! And I was eye-balling that picture of your G&L, sweet! Always great to hear Kevin on the drums!
Fat ,good & dynamic sound - very good voice- a must to hear!
Very cool song Farrell. Your voice is excellent on this. A very interesting tidbit on the tuning
Thanks, Rich, for listening and for the good comments! @lodato
Farrell and Bud
Nice groove! Mix sounds fantastic!