Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

Never Got To Say Goodbye (Farrell, Redler and Ella)

album: N/A
genre: Acoustic Ballad
streams: 32
creation date: 2024-01-11

  Song Lyrics
Never Got To Say Goodbye (Farrell Jackson © 08/18/16)V1I never really got to say goodbyeDidn't get to see you one last time.....I feel so...
  Song Information
A song clab from 2016. Lyrics and vocals by Farrell Jackson.Music composed and performed by Redler. Backing vocals by Ella.Two tracks of LaMancha Perla Negra...
Never Got To Say Goodbye (Farrell, Redler and Ella)
Farrell Jackson
11/09/24 12:01:07PM @farrell-jackson:
This song is truly a tearjerker, Farrell! It reminds me of my friends and family and how precious the time we have together really is. Great song!

Thank you Eric. This song is near and dear to me.

11/08/24 02:58:59PM @elh:
This song is truly a tearjerker, Farrell! It reminds me of my friends and family and how precious the time we have together really is. Great song!
Farrell Jackson
10/29/24 09:06:26AM @farrell-jackson:
Chaos Trio:
Very good Farrell , reminds me of something the Beatles or one of them, might have done at one time or another...thanks for that!

Thanks for the compliment Bill...I like The Beatles! @billb

10/28/24 09:09:37PM @billb:
Very good Farrell , reminds me of something the Beatles or one of them, might have done at one time or another...thanks for that!
Farrell Jackson
10/28/24 10:00:26AM @farrell-jackson:
@mizieya, @rob-grant, @moequinn,@tristynleach. I thank you all for the kind words on this song. We have all lost loved ones in our lives. Some a long time ago and some more recent but we'll never forget them. I'm glad this song has touched you emotionally and perhaps brought a littlle piece and healing, as it did for me. Thank you my friends, you are the best!
10/28/24 07:17:37AM @tristynleach:
Very nice song and very different to previous songs, has a very traditional country folk feel to it, nice vocals and instrumentation like a waltz with sadness . nice backing vocals give it that natural feel that works so well on songs like this, nice work all
10/27/24 06:21:11PM @moequinn:
I knew this song would make me cry....I will listen entirely soon
a beautiful song @farrell-jackson that touches my heart deeply
Peace & Love, Moe

Rob Grant
01/12/24 01:52:41PM @rob-grant:
Farrell, now you did it! You touched me so deep with this song, I cried. Music is emotion and you expressed deep emotion. Perfect, Buddy!!
01/11/24 02:17:12PM @mizieya:
i like this very much resonates with me regarding one can’t always have closure really nice song


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