Devil's Post Pile (Feat. Mach (RIP), Mike S and Buddrumming)
Farrell Jackson »
» Devil's Post Pile (Feat. Mach (RIP), Mike S and Buddrumming)
album:#5 genre:Americana Rock streams:33 creation date:2024-03-11
Song Lyrics
Devil's Post Pile(1) Your ship is being rockedThere's no place to dockLife's not a big vacationThe gravy train has left the station Your reaching for a pot...
Devil's Post Pile (Feat. Mach (RIP), Mike S and Buddrumming)
Devil's Post Pile
(1) Your ship is being rocked There's no place to dock Life's not a big vacation The gravy train has left the station
Your reaching for a pot of gold Going for the easy mile Another lost soul That's stacked on the Devil's Post Pile
(2) You need to get out of bed Time to clear your head A job possibility With future responsibilities
But your so easily side tracked Fooled by a sinister smile You need to get your life back It's stacked on the Devil's Post Pile....stacked on the Devil's Post Pile.......
Lead solos
(3) You can't escape truth and trial It follows you all the while There's no solution It's time for restitution
(Chr) You reached for the pot of gold You went for the easy mile Just another bartered soul Stacked on the Devil's Post Pile
A cool Clab! Mach (RIP), Mike S, Farrell with guest drummer Bud. It's called Devil's Post Pile.Credits are as follows:Mach (RIP) - Flute and 2nd humbucker...
A cool Clab! Mach (RIP), Mike S, Farrell with guest drummer Bud. It's called Devil's Post Pile.
Credits are as follows:
Mach (RIP) - Flute and 2nd humbucker guitar solo. Mike S - slide guitar. Farrell - Songwriter, acoustic guitar (Breedlove), bass, all vocals, and the 1st solo is with my 2010 G&L Strat (pictured). Bud - drums
Hi Farrell. This has a blue jazz flow to my ears. Which of course I love Great work from all. I love the flute and it is a loss that he is gone. Nice solo too!!! Just a fantastic track!
Thanks Eric @bad-love-junkie! Yes, Mach is truely missed. RIP Mach...
03/26/24 02:49:57PM @bad-love-junkie:
Hi Farrell. This has a blue jazz flow to my ears. Which of course I love Great work from all. I love the flute and it is a loss that he is gone. Nice solo too!!! Just a fantastic track!
Nice one cuz! First time I have heard a clab with Mike S in with you. Great vox as usual and cool addition of the flute.
@ronbowes Thanks Cuz Ron! For a short time Mach, Mike S, and I formed an internet band called Diesel Saloon. We did 4 songs together before it fizzled out. But it was fun while it lasted!
03/13/24 10:48:35AM @ronbowes:
Nice one cuz! First time I have heard a clab with Mike S in with you. Great vox as usual and cool adition of the flute.
Rob Grant:
THAT was really nice, Farrell. Man!! You got some beautiful tones on those solos. Then, that flute really added a lot to the song. GREAT SONG!!
@rob-grant Thanks Rob! I had some help from Mach, Mike S, and Kevin M (Bud). Mach did the cool, hot solo.
03/11/24 07:41:04PM @rob-grant:
THAT was really nice, Farrell. Man!! You got some beautiful tones on those solos. Then, that flute really added a lot to the song. GREAT SONG!!
Just some songs that I've written over the years and to date. Plus some collaboration songs as well.
I've had fun with this music stuff most of my life...
Just some songs that I've written over the years and to date. Plus some collaboration songs as well.
I've had fun with this music stuff most of my life and still do. I gigged in a band for 35 years but now I'm just a home studio hack. Made some bucks from gigging but I guess the real payout is the numerous stories and memories from the road.
For a while I ran a small project studio at my place for soloists, duos, and the occasional full band. I gained a lot of recording experience doing that. It was definitely an experience. These days it's just me having fun in the studio. I try this and that with songwriting and recording. Once in a while it works. If I come up with something decent, which I think sounds ok, I'll post it up.
You can find my music on most of the popular sites ie. Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music etc. Thanks for visiting and if you have the time, hit the play button to hear a song or two.
Hi Farrell. This has a blue jazz flow to my ears. Which of course I love
Hi Farrell. This has a blue jazz flow to my ears. Which of course I love
Nice one cuz! First time I have heard a clab with Mike S in with you. Great vox as usual and cool addition of the flute.
Nice one cuz! First time I have heard a clab with Mike S in with you. Great vox as usual and cool adition of the flute.
THAT was really nice, Farrell. Man!! You got some beautiful tones on those solos. Then, that flute really added a lot to the song. GREAT SONG!!
THAT was really nice, Farrell. Man!! You got some beautiful tones on those solos. Then, that flute really added a lot to the song. GREAT SONG!!