Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson
Farrell Jackson

867-5309 (Jenny)

album: N/A
genre: Top 40 Rock
streams: 3
creation date: 2025-03-08

  Song Information
I'm sure most of you are familiar with this Tommy Tutone song because it was played to death on mainstream radio, world wide. It is a fun song that my former...
867-5309 (Jenny)
Farrell Jackson
03/08/25 01:42:00PM @farrell-jackson:
Nice one Farrell, thanks for the well produced and enjoyable verson of a pop song I rermember from days of my youth... Jenny...I think she was Jessies girl, wasn't she?

@billb Thanks Bill for listening and commenting! I'm not sure if Jenny was Rick Springfield's Jessie Girl?

03/08/25 12:31:51PM @billb:
Nice one Farrell, thanks for the well produced and enjoyable verson of a pop song I rermember from days of my youth... Jenny...I think she was Jessies girl, wasn't she?


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