Thanks for all of the kind suggestions regarding the problem I had last week with my 8 track. The pin in the little hole worked to remove the existing CD but unfortunately I think I should have come in hear earlier as it looks like my own abortive efforts ruined the drive. I've dropped the recorder over to a friend in the hope that he can retrieve my demo of "That's It I've Had Enough". Sorry I missed the cut off date. Couldn't make the radio show either but I'm slowly catching up on the entries in the listening room.
While I'm waiting to get that track back, thought I'd post another track from the acoustic session I did last December. A lot of mixposure people will have heard the original version of "Mid Life Crisis" from my CD "N.I.C" which I had posted at mix. I've tried to convert it into an acoustic version. Without the bass, drums and keyboard, and without a guitar solo, it probably needs a middle 8, so I'll try working on that.
Apologies for any glitches in the performance. It was a "one take" and it's not a song that I normally do live in acoustic sets. Hopefully a bit of fun, particularly for those in my "age demographic".
Cheers and thanks again for all the earlier suggestions.
<p>Thanks again to Mike, Dazed and all the mixposure crew for the opportunity to participate in yesterday's Centre State Presentation on Mike's SNR radio show.</p>
<p>It was a real buzz to have so many fellow members in the chatroom and I thank you all for the really kind comments.</p>
<p>Those who were there at the time might remember that Mike played "Light the Flame" from my debut CD "N.I.C". I had only realised a couple of days ago that I've hardly posted any of the tracks from that CD on mixposure. So to avoid any accusation that Mike is outsourcing tracks for his show I thought I'd better post "Light the Flame".</p>
<p>Apologies for dropping out from time to time during the show. We were in the wilds of northern NSW, heading to a "hippy market" and despite my assurances to my daughter that my laptop modem had never been out of range for service.....well it had to happen then, didn't it.</p>
<p>Thanks again. And if you haven't had the opportunity of picking up Mike's show you're missing a great opportunity to listen to some great music and share some wonderful camaraderie with your fellow members in the chat-room.</p>
<p>I haven't had as much time as I would like to spend in here since I joined, but I'd like to thank everyone who has been in touch with me and my music.</p><p>Things should be settling down a bit in coming weeks. I've done a bit of reviewing this afternoon and will hopefully catch up on any responses and return reviews in the next day or so.</p><p>I have just uploaded a new track on the site, although, it will be known to a number of mixposure members. It's "Best Man" the first track from my debut CD, "N.I.C". Over coming weeks I'll be posting a combination of tracks from the CD and other tracks that had been posted at mixposure, together with some new stuff.</p><p>Cheers</p><p>Brian</p>
<p>Like so many who seem to have joined this site over the last couple of weeks I am one of the bedouin members of mixposure who have been roaming the desert for 40 days and what seems to be 90 nights. Eleven more and we get a free Alladin lamp.</p><p>When mixpo crashed earlier in the year I went in search of an alternative, but to no real avail. The sense of community that mixposure had just was not in evidence elsewhere.</p><p>Pleased to say that I'm feeling it in here. The fact that Dazed, Florida Music, and Rick are heavily involved in this site, and are names that I remember fondly from mixposure days probably says a lot. </p><p>The site has me in a bit of a tangle with so many bells and whistles. And that's compounded by the fact that our home computer is presently writing its last Will and Testament whilst taking the last rites from some guy who's just walked in wearing a cassock.</p><p>I was planning to delay my first blog until I'd worked the site out completely. But 2015 is too long to wait.</p><p>Apologies to those who have contacted me, joined my page as fans, PMed me, reviewed me or even said horrible things about me in the forum. I will work it all out eventually and get back to you soon (particularly if you've said something nasty about me in the forums).</p><p>Although my involvement has been piecemeal so far, I'm getting such a good feeling from the site that I know I will be contributing more in the immediate future.</p><p>So far I've just got the one track up. It's my Paris Hilton song "What's the Attraction". Thanks to all who have listened and reviewed. I will be adding more tracks over coming days. I will be putting up a lot of stuff that mixposure people will have heard, but then again, maybe not. Plus have a few new irons in the fire. I had a really weird day in the studio last week where I</p><ul><li>finished off my collab with Rapster for a fairly epic silly song</li><li>did vocals on a collab written by Carol Douglas (for those that don't know her she will be here soon, either of her own volition or we'll organise a kidnap squad) for her daughter's wedding</li><li>did lyrics and vocals for a great funk collab with Gary Carciello called "Dr Funkenstein". Gary has since added some really great guitar licks and I'm hoping Doc C might get involved as well</li><li>started working up my death penalty instrumental track "The Last Drop".</li></ul><p>A more diverse collection of music recorded in one day would be difficult to find. And it was all inspired by the fact that I believed I had a new home where I could share the music with people that were prepared to listen, comment, suggest. </p><p>So in my usual long winded way, I guess I'm saying that it's great to be here. Wonderful to find so many familiar, friendly faces. But also wonderful to find so many others that I've never known who are creating superb music.</p><p>I'm really pleased that this site has teamed up with nexusradio.co.uk. I can understand that some of you who have been here for a while might look on us mixpo people as unwanted refugees. I think the link with nexus will smoothe the transition. I don't think anyone from mix wants to create a ghetto here. We want to get to know and support you all, because that was the credo of mixposure anyway. Forgive us if we indulge in a bit of hugging and kissing on our reunions.</p><p>Great to be here. Looking forward to a heck of a lot of fun and great music.</p>