
I KNOW (Kit Mann, ft David C Deal)

album: Guitar Mann
genre: 2014SongwritingMusicAward
streams: 231
creation date: 2014-03-02

  Song Lyrics
Chorus:  I know I'm not the man you needed me to be             I know I'm not the father you cried and cried to see             empty tears fill precious...
  Song Information
This song is dedicated to my two son's Chris and Mike Mann.  Being a soldier, police officer/deputry sheriff, EMT, I missed so many things due to my job.  I...
I KNOW  (Kit Mann, ft David C Deal)
07/11/16 03:38:20PM @josephrodz:
A killer one by 2 greatest mixposure artist!
03/09/14 08:30:44PM @kitmann:
Pete, From both of us, Thank you ever ever so much my friend. :)
03/09/14 08:22:54AM @kitmann:
Ron this is such an honor brother. Just knowing that you Like this song, means ever so much to me. Thank you my friend
03/09/14 12:05:20AM @ron-kauffman:
Everyone has said everything, so I'll just say...AWESOME!!
03/07/14 08:41:43AM @kitmann:
abyss, God Bless you my friend. I am so happy you enjoyed the song. Put some "Prawns" on the barby for me. :)
03/06/14 05:33:01PM @kitmann:
Franknbass, brother I really want to thank you so much. Can't you see...I loved that song, use to play in when I was 16. I know what you mean about that song. :) Your right 20/20 vision, it didn't even dawn on me until you just said that...I am so happy you enjoyed this song my friend. I really am honored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/06/14 04:59:17PM @franknbass:
This tune has beautiful tone. I think the strings and guitar are a perfect complement to each other. Kind has that "Can't You See quality. I mean that in a good way. This is also one of those perfect "hind site 20/20" songs. A pleasure to listen.

03/04/14 05:04:59PM @kitmann:
Thank you every so much Ked. This is really new to me all of this and it seems like I keep using the same words over and over, but thats how I feel. I have talked to my son's and they both love the song. And your right, The do KNOW. The best thing is now they have not only the music I have recorded, but they have a song, written for just them, that they can hand down to their children long after I'm gone. That knowledge gives me peace I have not felt in a long time. The best part is I have had this song written for a long time. I have been recording songs for a new cd..Some day lol collabing with other artist from all over. But due to and injury to my left hand I could not play, so I did not sing and it really bothered me. Doc David Deal really got me motivated into trying to get the guitar part right. I loved the chords and progression I chose for this song and I did not want to have to change the chords. I had a pretty clean guitar track, and Doc made it better with his mix. I was worried about how my vocals was going to work with the growl. Again Doc did his magic again. Then Doc went to work on the keyboards and man did he hit the biggest home run. It was Perfect. It was what I always dreamed this song could be, and because this song meant so much to me I still tear as soon as I hear his opening notes. Again thank you my friend.
03/04/14 04:38:06PM @ked-records:
Gentlemen. Extrodinary music from the heart of the matter.
Kit... only words i can find to say are the ones you said.. " I KNOW" the pain.. the hurt the sadness and the overwhelming loss. BUT from all that came this song... that is the gift. Your sons will "KNOW" with out a doubt.

03/04/14 03:55:37PM @kitmann:
OMG, Farrell thank you so very much from both of us. Coming from you brother you just touched my heart.
Farrell Jackson
03/04/14 12:21:10PM @farrell-jackson:
Such a gentle song with tender touches....written and played from deep souls that connected to the essence of the lyric....fine, fine work gentlemen!


03/03/14 06:52:18PM @kitmann:
Bri-an, You really expressed yourself about the song the way I wish I could have. I want to thank you from my heart for what you said. Thank you so very much.
03/03/14 05:54:44PM @bri-an:
Nice arrangement qualities zoned in on the anguish of the lyrics, and transpose them from words to artistry without overpowering the delivery at all. KuDoS for that....i really do appreciate quality work when i hear it.
Simplicity i believe, can be very creative, and the song in general, merits the praise it deserves from a songwriting aspect. A HaPpY toon it is not, ...but the ballad is played with feeling that many can relate to, and that....can make folks like me, happy to hear it.
Nice work gentlemen.

03/03/14 02:06:38PM @kitmann:
Doc it has and always will be my honor to have you work on this song with me. You helped so much to bring this to life. With out you this song would still be just works on paper. I can never thank you enough my friend. Your talent just blew me away. With your keyboard work, the mixing the mastering, The intro to the song which captured me at the first note, and for the tears that fell. Thank you Doc :)
03/03/14 01:39:28PM @david-c-deal:
I just wanted to express how fortunate I am to be asked to contribute to such a beautiful, vulnerable, heart wrenching song.
03/03/14 12:31:31PM @kitmann:
TV, P Eric, and Carol Sue, thank you so so very much for your comments. I can't find the words to tell you how much this means to me. I have always said: If I can touch one person with one song then my job is done and I'm happy. Then I try and do it again. In this case I wanted to touch two. My son's. This was difficult for me to sing. I damn near cried every time I tried to record the vocals. I am so honored that you all enjoyed this song. Carol sorry for the tears. I still cry when I listen to it. Thank you all. Kit
P Eric Bailey
03/03/14 09:25:39AM @p-eric-bailey:
Kit and doc, what a beautiful song. Kit, I can only imagine how difficult it was to sing this. Excellent!


03/02/14 05:52:36PM @the-truevulgarians:
Let me be the first to congratulate Kitmann and DcD on a terrific collab. I fully enjoy this tune and love the contrast between the fine orchestrated music and the heartfelt, emotion laced vocal. It's haunting song and very special...


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