

Errors Uploading

By Admin, 2007-07-29

You may see some erros uploading music. I amworking hard to resolve the issue! Always a few bugs when upgrading :)

Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

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Too Funny

By Admin, 2010-09-27

<p>I saw this and cracked up. I wish I would have caught this when I was there.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="385" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p>

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New Server

By Admin, 2007-07-15

Guys if you are reading this we should be on our new server now! I am running some tests but so far so good :).

After trying to resolve an issue with our previous host I just gave up. There was just not a sense of urgency to resolve the problem and they quick to pawn it off as a software issue or a database issue.

Our apologies for the downtime. However our new provider is familiar with our software so that will make any issues we see down the road easier to resolve.

Thanks for your patience!


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Happy B-Day

By Admin, 2010-05-07
Happy B-Day

<p><span style="font-size: large;">Happy Birthday to Jim's Artificial Earth &amp; BluesPicker! These are two people from Mixposure I have known for some time not to mention that I got to Jam with Paul! Thanks for being a part of Mixposure!!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></p>

Posted in: News | 18 comments

Site Down

By Admin, 2007-07-14

Our apologies to everyone for the site being down. We are still trying to figure out what is going on and there more be some down time along the way. Be assured though, we are working hard to get everything back to normal :).


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Ked News

By Admin, 2010-05-07
Ked News

<p>Ked Begins Work on New TV Series</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Toronto Motorsports Park.Kohler Ontario</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Tom Hnatiw former co-host of Dream Car Garage on SpeedTV, and now host of his own show Hard Drive with Tom on MEN Tv... has asked <a href="">Ked</a> to supply music for a new series he is working on that revolves around the incredible 2010 Dodge VIper ACR-X race car and its subsequent race series. The bulk of his HEMI Tones project will find its way into the backround music and the series theme song.</p> <p>I asked Ked about the video shoot and this is what he had to say. "Tom asked me to bring a guitar to the video shoot. He put me on the road course on a corner at the apex.... and had the incredible White Viper ACR-X go by me at race speeds just inches from me while i jammed along to the song VIPER BITE which will be the series theme song all this while two cameras shot the action."</p> <p>"This footage will be hopefully used for the computer generated opening scenes for the tv show.. yet unamed but due to broadcast on Versus TV in the USA sometime in the middle of July. This is such a huge honor and a thrill for me to be involved in something i truly love.. CARS AND GUITARS !!!!!!"</p> <p>"As an added bonus myself and my wife.. got to experience an ultimate thrill.. I GOT TO DRIVE THE DARK GREY VIPER ACR!!!!!!!!!. We had an in car camera on us for the three laps i was allowed. In second gear at 5000 rpm .. 600hp propelled us to just under 100 mph in a blink of an eye... hopefully some of that footage will apear on Hard Drive with Tom... on a future episode of the show."</p> <p>"I do believe this is just the begining of an amazing experience" said Ked. "Tom has approached me about a few other ideas but i can not let them out of the bag as of yet. I can say this though.... one idea he had for me to explore would be very beneficial for Mixposure."</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img src=";band_id=1937&amp;image_id=4826" alt="" width="400" height="300" /></p>

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Blues Song Submissions

By Admin, 2007-06-24

Blues Song Submissions Are Up!

Please take a moment to stop by the forum and have a listen. There are some great tunes in there and hopefully some more on the way.

GuitaristWorks Sites Blues Tunes

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Avalanche - Mixposure May Artist of the Month

<p>Avalanche is one of those bands who seem to never die. They have been in existence for over 30 years now. How many bands can say that?<br /><br />What's most impressive about Avalanche? Well, listen to some of their early music and compare that to the new material this band produces every year during their annual recording sessions. What you will find is that Avalanche adheres to their Classic Rock style, keeping it alive and well, while adding some fresh elements to their newer creations. They keep you interested in the Genre with their tracks. At least, that holds true with me, no doubt. I've been following Avalanche's music now for a number of years and am continually impressed with the material they produce. Another recording session is just weeks away and I can't wait to hear the outcome!<br /><br />Moreover, Avalanche consists of just "plain old nice guys". I've met Mike Foster in person and had dialogues with Mark and Barry Easton. I couldn't think of a nicer bunch of guys. Extremely skilled in all aspects of music and pleasant people to be around.<br /><br />Anyway, take a listen to those guys and you will know why I selected them to be Mixposure Artist of the Month for May 2010.<br /><br />Mike Kohlgraf<br />President &amp; DJ of MixStream Radio<br /><br />PS: Mike Foster - one of these days, I'll have you in my studio again for a live performance during my show "Saturday Night Rocks" (we'll be in touch).</p>

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