David C Deal »
» Together We Stand (DcDeal, CGeorgiou, JHunter)
album:Unpublished genre:Progressive Rock streams:298 creation date:2015-02-07
Song Lyrics
Together We Stand
David C Deal 2015
It’s hard to watch
This human masquerade where
hate and fear mimic mind
Disguised as holy calling
This is the first of hopefully many collaborations with Chris Georgiou. This is also the recording debut of my 9 year old granddaughter Jocelynne. I wrote...
This is the first of hopefully many collaborations with Chris Georgiou. This is also the recording debut of my 9 year old granddaughter Jocelynne. I wrote the lyrics in response to the terrorism in the world and the world's response after the incident in France.
David c Deal; Accoustic Guitars, lyrics, vocals, keyboards
Chris Georgiou; Keyboards (lion's share), drums, bass, lap steel and lead guitars
a Long time ago, listen to this song. Love it !!!
Hope you doing good my friend, together we stand!
Shine on
Chris G.
06/18/17 10:46:27AM @waveman:
amazing opening, wonderful atmospheric and orchestral sound gives way to the acoustic so nicely. great story telling vocal, I liked the slide bits adding a nice floating sensation. kind of reminded me of an old xtc song. the lead guitar spot near the end just melts in. great song!
Bob Forbes:
Going to write my 1st comment here at Mixpo - thank you David for the welcome. I believe I heard this song when you posted it at FB awhile back, and commented there. This is quite a Rock ballad - much time and effort spent on all ends of the collaboration to create a masterpiece you can all be proud of. Bravo fellas!
Thanks for the kind words Bob. Hey, they have some really nice evening radio shows on mix with good people in the chat room if you are interested.
I'll stand with you guys. Great to come back to Mixposure and hear a collab like this - David, my old friend Chris, and Jocelynne the debutante... Wonderful peaceful production, and a message for the world after the atrocities of 2016. Thank you! Chris
So wonderful to see you again Chris. In my loss I had not heard your music in a while and the listen filled a whole in my being. Welcome back!
Thank you for the review. Yvonne J created an incredible video to Together We Stand that adds a fourth dimension to the work. TOGETHER WE STAND
01/20/17 08:15:33PM @chris-moore:
I'll stand with you guys. Great to come back to Mixposure and hear a collab like this - David, my old friend Chris, and Jocelynne the debutante... Wonderful peaceful production, and a message for the world after the atrocities of 2016. Thank you! Chris
Gary Shukoski:
This is very epic and powerful from the intro and all the way through. Love all the moods it moves through.
Thank you Gary. I love playing with Chris Georgiou.. he has a feel that moves me so.. I will be producing a CD for him in the future. Thanks again for the listen and comments
07/12/16 06:42:29PM @gary-shukoski:
This is very epic and powerful from the intro and all the way through. Love all the moods it moves through.
The music...is magical , beautifully mixed and produced . Major talents sharing their skills. The vocals and lyric....brilliant , my friend. Epic , remarkable and emotional. ***** Bravo to all....:)
Keybro, you make me feel so pleased. Thank you!
01/01/16 11:18:16PM @tlt50:
The music...is magical , beautifully mixed and produced . Major talents sharing their skills. The vocals and lyric....brilliant , my friend. Epic , remarkable and emotional. ***** Bravo to all....:)
carol sue:
So sad, the horrific circumstance of the songs inspiration... yet, presented with such dignity, hope, and respect. Beautifully done, just beautiful! David + Chris, your kindness has always shined so bright, thank you!
Thank you very much Carol. This is the first song I have been working to seriously promote for years. I am doing so because I so want to add some loving perspective to the situation. (still a hippie at heart I guess).
12/06/15 10:00:20AM @carol-sue:
So sad, the horrific circumstance of the songs inspiration... yet, presented with such dignity, hope, and respect. Beautifully done, just beautiful! David + Chris, your kindness has always shined so bright, thank you!
03/22/15 07:38:41PM @david-c-deal:
Thanks Bustert, I hope it was a good dream
03/14/15 07:46:59PM @bustert:
Very sensitive Sound! Closing the eyes and going for a dream... WOW
03/13/15 07:44:46PM @david-c-deal:
Hydrogen3, I just saw I missed thanking you for your heartwarming review. Sorry, and thank you!
03/10/15 10:44:45AM @the-truevulgarians:
Finally getting around to review this wonderful song. What a great composition and so nicely put together. David once again shows his musicianship and production skills! The song is truly a journey worth taking...
02/14/15 11:12:36PM @hydrogen3:
Dave this is freaking AMAZING and well done by all! Very professional mix enjoyed very much! H3
02/09/15 01:00:19PM @chris-georgiou:
Thank you all for your kind words.
Dave, see you soon, there on the river.
And Jocelyn, your are the winner!!!!!
02/09/15 11:21:58AM @david-c-deal:
Doug and Lodato, thank you so very much.
02/09/15 11:11:05AM @rich-lodato:
Heard this on another site and was blown away!
02/08/15 11:40:18AM @david-c-deal:
Thank you Farrell, Jim and David.
02/08/15 11:31:43AM @farrell-jackson:
My initial reaction is WOW! I'm blown away by the skillful writing, performances and production on this song. Very meaningful and insightful lyric presented with a poetic flair. Well done David, Chris, and Jocelyn!
02/07/15 06:49:12PM @dave-coonrod-aka-fender-bender:
I was most excited about the credits reading the debut of Jocelynne! I know it was even more exciting for you and her. Great job by all involved. We need more positive messages spread: "One home, one earth".
I live in Ohio where I am a practicing Psychologist http://davidcdealphd.com/ . My favorite instruments are an array of keyboards, however I also enjoy...
I live in Ohio where I am a practicing Psychologist http://davidcdealphd.com/ . My favorite instruments are an array of keyboards, however I also enjoy playing acoustic guitar. I currently perform in a Trans-Siberian Orchestra tribute band named Siberian Solstice. www.siberiansolstice.com ,
I have released two CD’s, “Harmonic Space” and “Transformations.” “Harmonic Space” is a clinically based CD that aids people in coping with anxiety and sleep disorders. “Transformations” is a concept album that is both a spiritual autobiography and, hopefully, a spiritual vessel. The songs from Transformations have deep, emotional, and spiritual intent. I continue to write, record, produce, and collab and have also posted many of these songs.
My musical styles are said to range from those of progressive rock bands such as YES and Pink Floyd to Broadway musicals such as those of Andrew Lloyd Weber. I often add a little bit of Jazz and Classical flavoring. I have recently been mixing my acoustic guitar roots with more progressive elements.
A Word from David:
I have been blessed with many artistic and musical friends who have offered their talents to my recordings. Some of the musicians who played on the posted songs include Les Brooke, Tom Hannah, Tim Vargo, Andrew Vargo, Cynthia Lugo, Andrea Bok, David Coonrod, Ned Clark, Kevin Peters, Kristin Sorensen, William O’Connell, Ked Deiter, Mack Sanders, Rob Hanlon, Richard Gonzales, Bob Ross, Pat Ross, Michael Duryee, Nigel Potter, Joseph Rodriguez, P.E.Bailey, Carol Sue Kirkpatrick, Bill Smith, Buddrumming, Rasmuth, Jolee, Terry Wigmore and John Else, I want to extend special thanks to Arthur Kills Straight Putnam who wrote and recorded all of the native flute parts which follow each song in “Transformations”.
Finally, I want to say a special thanks to David Coonrod. He plays incredible bass on many of the posted songs and has been an awesome collaborator and friend. At this point I would hardly be willing to release any musical arrangement without passing it by his ears for suggestions etc. A talented, selfless friend and a musical compadre.
Transformation Cover Message:
"Sometimes, in the midst of a perfectly ordinary day, one is unexpectedly flooded by the magnificence of “what is.” Perhaps that moment of awareness and clarity arrives while watching a storm or absorbing a piece of art or kneeling with intention in a church. If blessed, echoes of the past and visions of the future fade from existence as the unknowing silence of the infinite present emerges. With patience and grace, one comes to know the incredible richness of “what is” as a revelation of God’s face, and the mind is forever transformed into a mirror of creation." . . . .
a Long time ago, listen to this song. Love it !!!
Hope you doing good my friend, together we stand!
Shine on
Chris G.
I love it to. I hope you are well and shining on and on!
a Long time ago, listen to this song. Love it !!!
Hope you doing good my friend, together we stand!
Shine on
Chris G.
amazing opening, wonderful atmospheric and orchestral sound gives way to the acoustic so nicely. great story telling vocal, I liked the slide bits adding a nice floating sensation. kind of reminded me of an old xtc song. the lead guitar spot near the end just melts in. great song!
Going to write my 1st comment here at Mixpo - thank you David for the welcome. I believe I heard this song when you posted it at FB awhile back, and commented there. This is quite a Rock ballad - much time and effort spent on all ends of the collaboration to create a masterpiece you can all be proud of. Bravo fellas!
Thanks for the kind words Bob. Hey, they have some really nice evening radio shows on mix with good people in the chat room if you are interested.
I'll stand with you guys. Great to come back to Mixposure and hear a collab like this - David, my old friend Chris, and Jocelynne the debutante... Wonderful peaceful production, and a message for the world after the atrocities of 2016. Thank you! Chris
So wonderful to see you again Chris. In my loss I had not heard your music in a while and the listen filled a whole in my being. Welcome back!
Thank you for the review. Yvonne J created an incredible video to Together We Stand that adds a fourth dimension to the work. TOGETHER WE STAND
I'll stand with you guys. Great to come back to Mixposure and hear a collab like this - David, my old friend Chris, and Jocelynne the debutante... Wonderful peaceful production, and a message for the world after the atrocities of 2016. Thank you! Chris
This is very epic and powerful from the intro and all the way through. Love all the moods it moves through.
Thank you Gary. I love playing with Chris Georgiou.. he has a feel that moves me so.. I will be producing a CD for him in the future. Thanks again for the listen and comments
This is very epic and powerful from the intro and all the way through. Love all the moods it moves through.
The music...is magical , beautifully mixed and produced . Major talents sharing their skills. The vocals and lyric....brilliant , my friend. Epic , remarkable and emotional. ***** Bravo to all....:)
Keybro, you make me feel so pleased. Thank you!
The music...is magical , beautifully mixed and produced . Major talents sharing their skills. The vocals and lyric....brilliant , my friend. Epic , remarkable and emotional. ***** Bravo to all....:)
So sad, the horrific circumstance of the songs inspiration... yet, presented with such dignity, hope, and respect. Beautifully done, just beautiful! David + Chris, your kindness has always shined so bright, thank you!
Thank you very much Carol. This is the first song I have been working to seriously promote for years. I am doing so because I so want to add some loving perspective to the situation. (still a hippie at heart I guess).
So sad, the horrific circumstance of the songs inspiration... yet, presented with such dignity, hope, and respect. Beautifully done, just beautiful! David + Chris, your kindness has always shined so bright, thank you!
Thanks Bustert, I hope it was a good dream
Very sensitive Sound! Closing the eyes and going for a dream... WOW
Hydrogen3, I just saw I missed thanking you for your heartwarming review. Sorry, and thank you!
Thanks Bill
Finally getting around to review this wonderful song. What a great composition and so nicely put together. David once again shows his musicianship and production skills! The song is truly a journey worth taking...
Dave this is freaking AMAZING and well done by all! Very professional mix enjoyed very much! H3
Thank you all for your kind words.
Dave, see you soon, there on the river.
And Jocelyn, your are the winner!!!!!
Doug and Lodato, thank you so very much.
Heard this on another site and was blown away!
Thank you Farrell, Jim and David.
My initial reaction is WOW! I'm blown away by the skillful writing, performances and production on this song. Very meaningful and insightful lyric presented with a poetic flair. Well done David, Chris, and Jocelyn!
I was most excited about the credits reading the debut of Jocelynne! I know it was even more exciting for you and her. Great job by all involved. We need more positive messages spread: "One home, one earth".