David C Deal
David C Deal
David C Deal

Blood Money (ft. Ked Dieter guitar, David Coonrod bass)

album: Unpublished
genre: Rock
streams: 637
creation date: 2009-08-31

  Song Lyrics
Blood Money David c Deal @2009 You must have been somebody's son. You must have been taught to play, to fight, and run. You "earned" your way up to the...
  Song Information
  I live in auto manufacturing country ( Northwest Ohio ) and have experienced   incredible suffering experienced in our communities. I read an article...
Blood Money (ft. Ked Dieter guitar, David Coonrod bass)
08/23/16 12:00:51PM @david-c-deal:


Blood Money has also been a long time fav  from your catalogue.   the nuances in the vocal-instrumental are excellently embodied here

Thank you so much Shane.

08/23/16 10:34:29AM @shane:

Blood Money has also been a long time fav  from your catalogue.   the nuances in the vocal-instrumental are excellently embodied here

John R. Kennedy
09/07/13 01:16:19AM @john-r-kennedy:
Very nicely done all the way around. Nice instrumentation from all, vocals and lyrics are good, and a great arrangement and mix. Very nicely done.

Peace and Blessings, John

07/04/12 07:38:11AM @john-frederick:
Wonderful sound music and vocal great collab Very well done
Luca Wulf
05/10/10 02:03:57PM @huge-artist:
Yes mate,it's all a con from the womb to the grave and beyond.
All a soul has left of worth is what it can find for free in the world.
Because if someone can buy it,sell it or tax it,chances are it won't be worth very much by the time they're through.
Enough musings.

A very polished collab indeed.
I see this firmly in the video song terratory.
It's screaming out for a video.
A picture is worth a thousand words they do say.

Subdued and sadly brooding mate.
It is nothing short of tragic what "They" have done and will always do.

But a song,well.
It's a little beacon in darkness.
The witness.

Beautiful song.


11/21/09 03:17:16PM @avalanche:
Hi David...

I enjoyed this one. The lyrics are great...and your vocal delivery adds to them. Nice synth pads...and drums sounds. A very clear recording...with a strong message. Thanks...

Hugs...Mike (NAV)

10/01/09 09:35:20PM @tcp:
it's a real keeper if ya know what I mean!! ;-)
10/01/09 09:33:43PM @tcp:
Oh wow....Dave..I heard this song some time back...and now I remember...this is one that I reviewed and it was clobbered by the network/server going down.

Yes, how could I forget? I do really like your voice in this. You project real well and have a great authenticity with solid pitch and timing. That was a great song for you to sing. Love the song musically and lyrically. Ked's lead sounds great as does the vocal line, synth, piano, and rhythm section. But best of all, it's a memorable song with a powerful message that when all things are summed, is an awesome track. ...B

09/22/09 03:46:29PM @n0mad23:
This song has stuck in my head recently, and upon reflection I now know why. Every time it begins to play internally is directly following a conversation with people experiencing resignation to "the way it is." This song really captures that, and hopefully will touch the listeners' consciousness so they begin to look for ways out. The power structures that exist are incredibly fragile and only possible with our consent and participation. Real power is contained in our social connections, not in abstract and nebulous currencies. We're not supposed to understand this, and "Blood Money" is certainly a sonic antidote. Great stuff.
09/03/09 09:19:42AM @blue-sahara:
Yeah, I had the privilege hearing a sneak peak before the addition of your guest musicians. They've done an outstanding job elevating this marvel of a song into musical heaven! Absolutely superb, all performances, the vocals, David, are so fitting, so genuine. Yes, the lyrics/storyline of this song is challenging, to say the least, and saddening.
I love this tune, and in my faves it goes! :-) Bravo!

Farrell Jackson
09/02/09 07:29:52PM @farrell-jackson:
Hi David! I've already commented on Blood Money elsewhere but since this is my 600th review at Mixposure (WooHoo!!!!)...I thought it fitting to go to someone I knew with a new song up so you're it!

About the song: The lyric makes one stop and think...and the many voices singing "blood money" is very impactful. Great listen!


09/01/09 10:55:20AM @mark-reed:
Lyrics on this are very good, the music behind them is clean and very well laid down. Mix is crisp. Liked the performance. Well done this is an excellent song


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