<p>In your Control Panel under "Your Site" is a link called Statistics, When you first open the page you will get Page Statistics and a numeric value. This page shows the breakdown for how many times and where your site has been accessed. <br /><br />At the top you will see links for Song Stats, Video Stats, Phot Stats, Sales Stats, Radio Statio and Video Channel. Click any of these to see your stats. The Radio Station Stats also show what stations your music is on and how many plays the song has received. The Video Channel stats will only show the videos that have been uploaded to the site. We can't track YouTube or other offsite Videos.</p>
<p>The new flasjh players are installed on the Projam Theme. They are also included on the offsite links that you will find on the Projam, Cobalt and Sage Themes. Anyone not on those themes, it is really suggestested you move to the newer themes! We are working out a few bugs still but they are good to use.</p><p>The Code Snippets in Projam now have the players listed if you want to use them on myspace. </p><p><font color="#ff0000">**Update**</font> I just changed the snippets on Sage and Cobalt to now have the new players. The iPod style flash player will remain on the side of the page but the snippets will be the new players. </p><p>Example </p><p><a href="#" onclick="window.open('http://imusicscene.com/index.php?t=audio_player&band_id=10&song_id=1807','iMusicScene','width=520,top=0,left=0,resizable,scrollbars,height=210'); return false;">Instrumental Jam</a></p><p>and MySpace/Tagworld you can choose between the two... http://www.imusicscene.com/myspace.html </p><p> </p><p>If you have posted one of the new players on your MySpace or Tagworld site, please post a link on here. I would like to see it! </p><p> </p><p>Dazed</p>
<p>We got back late last night from the PRS Experience. I have to say I was impressed. The tour of the factory and talking to the PRS Guys was awesome. I think Rick and I spent about an hour with one guy showing us the process for how the PRS neck was made from start to finish. Talk about an intricate and painstaking process. These guys we extremely generous with their time showing us step by step the process from beginning to end. I can see why the build time for just the neck takes a week. We grabbed some pictures so I will be posting these soon.</p><p>We saw some remarkable musicians and Rick and I were able to get some pictures and videos that we will also post. The Grainger brothers are some serious musicians. I think they will be on Mixposure soon. Also Orianthi also played last night. She is an extremely talented guitarist.</p><p>I will be posting more soon but I wanted to give you an idea of how this trip has gone.</p><p>Thanks for reading,</p><p>Todd </p>
<p>Well the last time we did the Same Song Title Madness. This time I thought we wold try something different. </p><p>Carol Douglas posted in the <a href="/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11812">Forum</a> about someone working on some lyrics she posted. I thought it might be fun to have everyone work with them and see what kind of songs we could come up with. So instead of the Same Song Title Madness, we have the Same Lyric Title Madness. As always, vocals are not required but try and make the lyrics work with the song. If you are not a singer, maybe someone will want to add vocals on your tune later! </p><p>Let's put a due date on here of May 10th but please post the songs when you are finished!</p><p>Dazed </p><p> </p>
<p>Just wanted to update everyone on the popup players. On the Projam Theme the links are done. On your song page, just click the <em>i </em>and you will see the 4 boxes. The first 2 I think I am going to remove. Those use the listeners player of choice. The bottom two will be the HTML or BBCode links for forums that do not allow HTML. I would always suggest using the HTML link if possible. Here is an example using Chrickon's song. I actually sent an email to Michael Molenda from Guitar Player Magazine to listen to this tune for his article.</p><p> <a href="#" onclick="window.open('http://imusicscene.com/index.php?t=audio_player&band_id=29&song_id=4668','TestWindow','width=350,top=0,left=0,resizable,scrollbars,height=350'); return false;">Energy - for Rob</a>. </p><p>The Sage and Cobalt themes have the links as well but I am going to play with them a bit more since I do not like how they are setup yet. </p><p>I should have new Flash Players this week so the iPod player will be replaced a nicer one with links to the site and your artist page. </p><p>Hope you guys like this feature! </p><p>Dazed</p>
<p><font size="3" color="#c0c0c0">Thanks to everyone who came to the iMS Party tonight! We knew the time would be rough for many reasons but we still managed to get 25+ people in there at one time and probably 40-50 in and out through the show. A great time was had by all and we will be doing that again soon. It was just too much fun.</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#c0c0c0">We have the left the iMS Radio station streaming all 41 Songs For Rob! The link is on the menu up top! There are some fantastic songs in there so have a listen!</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#c0c0c0">Again thanks to everyone who showed up! It was great getting to know you a little bit better!</font></p><p><font color="#c0c0c0"> </font></p><p><font size="3" color="#c0c0c0">We also made an update to the Projam Artist Theme. Since the music page was a single page, this presented a load problem when artist had a lot of songs. We had a code change made to make page breaks at 15 songs.This should decrease the load time on those pages!</font><font color="#c0c0c0"> <br /></font></p><p><font size="3" color="#c0c0c0"> </font></p><p><font size="3" color="#c0c0c0">The iMS Team!</font></p>
<p>Hey Everyone!</p><p>WildHoneyPie had a great idea about having an iMS Party. This is just a chance to get together and hang out in the chatroom, listen to some fellow musicians on the iMS Radio and have some fun. We will be playing the Songs for Rob and chatting away!</p><p>This is a great opportunity to get to know some of your fellow iMS Musicians. If you are looking to collaborate with some musicians, this is a great way to see who is out there. </p><p>We are looking at this Saturday from 6PM-9PM EST to meet up in the chat room. The chat room link is in the menu and the login is the same as your iMS login. </p><p>Hope to see you there!!</p><p>Dazed </p><p> </p>
This is a subject I have wanted to tackle for some time. A member recently sent me a message asking about this so I thought I would clear it up. <br /><br />Is iMusicScene free or not? The answer is of course it is FREE! Memberships are not required and truthfully we do not advertise them. My guess is most people did not even know the option existed. <br /><br />This site has been free since we started it almost 4 years ago. We had subscriptions for a short time and then I removed them entirely. Recently I brought them back because some of you crazy musicians wanted to post your entire 500 song catalog on here! <br /><br />What is the difference between the subscriptions? More song and video slots is about it. The rest of the features are pretty much the same. Soundclick charges $9.95 per month for their subscriptions. That subscription will allow you to post your songs at 192k bitrate which is what all of our accounts will allow. Our subscriptions are there to just help support the site and offset our cost. If you think I am making a profit on this site, I have news for you. My taxes show otherwise. iMusicScene was never about profit. It was about having some fun and doing some music. <br /><br />So why have subscriptions at all? Well the honest truth is this. When this site first started, my shared server was around $10 a month. A shared server is many web sites sharing one small server. I have seen as many as 250 web sites on one shared server. Bandwidth and hard drive space were not an issue because there were only a handful of members here. As we got bigger, our host said we were killing the shared server and politely notified us that we were being booted from the shared server. They asked us to go to a dedicated server or find another host. Our traffic was slowing down the other 249 sites hehe. All my complaints to them about iMS running slow was being caused by us!<br /><br />A dedicated server is one that we basically owned and maintained and were the only web site on it. The price for this was $150 a month for an entry level server. We stayed on it for several months but again, our traffic continues to grow. As we grow, we have to constantly be aware of how the site interacts with our members. I work in Information Technology and I know as well as most people know, if the site is slow, who wants to be here? With that, we are constantly upgrading behind the scenes to make sure your experience here is a pleasurable one.<br /><br />The thing that cracked me up about this is Hosting Companies toss out these huge numbers to you. 200GB of Bandwidth a month and 200GB of Hard Drive space for $6 a month. Sounds great until you try and use those numbers and they are booting you from their server. Luckily we have a great host now that I can grow with and I am yet to see any major problems with them at all. <br /><br />We put the subscriptions in place for artists who need more space and want to help support iMS. Prior to the subscriptions I had people emailing me asking where they could contribute and we would politely decline.<br /><br />So yes, iMusicScene is free and will continue to be that way. The only goal we ever had was to break even. That is why we have the Yahoo Ads, MusicianFriend and Guitar Center links here. These help offset our cost. We have also been fortunate to have some web sites wanting to advertise with us. As our traffic grows, we will get more advertisers and use those proceeds to advertise iMS and help spread the word!<br /><br />I hope this clears up the question for anyone else who was wondering! <br /><br />Dazed