<p>As some of you are finding out, there are a lot of features at iMusicScene. With a lot of features, it can become confusing not to mention missed! So I thought I would try and post some of the features here in case you may have missed them. </p><p>The first entry is called File Slurp! </p><p>At the very bottom of your Admin Control Panel under "Extra", you will see: Slurp Your File. "Slurping" a file is just a way to Import a file that is already on the Internet. It is extremely fast and is great if you have to upload several songs. Click the Slurp Your File button. On the right you will see two fields. In the File Name field, add the Song Name. The other field is the "File URL". It is best if you cut and paste the URL here ex. http://www.iMusicScene.com/my.mp3. **REMINDER**The file <strong>MUST BE AN MP3</strong> meaning it has to end in MP3 as shown in the example. So if you are trying to pull from soundsclick, it will not work. </p><p>Now when you go back to "Create Song" you will notice that the Import File Is enabled. Just select your song from the drop down list and click Add New Song. You have just Slurped your file!</p>
<p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">I was looking at the site today and am really blown away with everything that has happened over the last year or so. Close to 3000 songs on here! New artists signing up every day. Alexa Rank about to break the top 200,000! Yes my friends a lot has happened. I have gained a lot of new friends on here as I am sure many of you have also. I love the fact that the song review process is thriving. </font></p><p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">Please remember that in your Control Panel at the bottom left is an Invitation Link. It is a great way to invite people to the site. Also at the bottom of the main page and artist pages is a Promote Us link. If you have a website, please add a banner!</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">Lot's of new stuff coming up everyone. I think it is only going to get better from here!</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">Thanks for supporting us everyone!</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">Dazed </font></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
<p><font size="3">The iMS Radio feed has been added to the menu - look top left .</font></p><p><font size="3">We are currently running everything at 192k bitrate. Some songs may however sound better than others depending on what bitrate the artist uploaded to the site. Also I need to do some research because I think the lo-fi files are being included lol. So I need to dump those from the playlist. </font></p><p><font size="3">Dazed</font></p><p> </p>
<p><font size="3" color="#999999">Just wanted to let everyone now that we added Rob Grant to the iMS Moderator Team! </font></p><p><font size="3" color="#999999">Rob will be in charge of administering any form of punishment should anyone get out of line. We have already shipped off his mask and sword. . Throw tomatoes at your own risk!</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#999999">Welcome to the team Rob and thank you for your continued support of iMusicScene!</font></p><p><font size="3" color="#999999">Dazed</font> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
<font size="3"><a href="/chart.php?chart_days=1000&pagebreak=20&genre=Songs+For+Rob">Songs For Rob</a></font> -<font size="3"> Here is a list of the songs submitted so far!</font><br /><p><font size="3">I just wanted to pass the below on. I got a message from Reaper and WildHoneyPie this morning and wanted to pass this on. I am trying to get hospital information so we can send some flowers or a least a baby taylor so he has something to do .</font></p><p><font size="3">So please keep Rob and his family in your thoughts today! Get better my friend, you have work to do here
. As information becomes available, I will update this thread.</font></p><p><font size="3">Hi friends,<br />This is Kara, Rob's daughter. He asked me to send you all an email to let you know why he has not been online the past few days. We are actually at University of Md as I write this email. Yesterday, my Dad went to the hospital to get checked out for a headache that he has been suffering from since Wednesday. They did a catscan and it showed an aneurysm in the anterior part of his brain. The Doctors here decided that they would need to perform surgery to correct this. He is due to go into surgery in about an hour, and the whole operation should take 2-3 hours. Myself and the rest of the family will be with him today, and the doctors are optimistic that they can go in there and fix this thing without complications. He is feeliing ok right now physically and mentally, just very scared as to be expected. But he is comfortable as far as pain goes. I will try to get back on here to let you know this afternoon how everything went, </font></p><p> </p><p><font size="3"><strong>Update 1 </strong>- Thanks to WildHoneyPie and Reaper for keeping everyone in the loop! You guys are the best. WHP got this information from Kara...</font></p><p><font size="3">Rob is out of surgery and it went well. He will be critical for about a two week period, and must be watched closely, for danger of strokes. We can breathe a little, but not too deeply yet. He was in alot of pain post surgery, and had to be heavily medicated. Reaper told his family that we are keeping a vigil for him, and major prayers and good vibes are being sent to them all. </font></p><p><font size="3">The family will get a laptop into his room at the point that the doctors feel it's okay. Though, I wouldn't look for it real soon. When they get home this evening, Kara will send us addresses and so forth, where cards and good wishes can be sent. Stay tuned for that tonight.</font></p><p><font size="3">WHP</font></p><p><font size="3"><strong>Update 2</strong> - Thanks again to WHP and Reaper for keeping us updated. You to Nigel! I just saw you posted the same thing!</font></p><p><font size="3">Hello again,<br />Please forgive me for not responding to the emails that were sent directly to my email. Somehow I can read them, but cannot reply. I really hope I included everyone in this email, but if not hopefully word will go around. I saw my Dad about an hour and a half out of his surgery, and like my husband said, he was in alot of pain and was drifting in and out of sleep. They upped his pain meds and made him more comfortable and expect him to sleep for the rest of the day/night. He was able to tell the nurse his name, date and what hospital he was in, which is awesome. Let me just say thanks on behalf of myself and the whole family for all the nice responses I recieved. I know his internet buddies and fellow musicians mean a lot to him, and he will feel good knowing you all are thinking of him. I am including the hospital information below. He will be in the ICU for about 2 more days, after that he will go into a regular patient room. They are really strict in there as far as what they allow in the area. I know I saw a sign that said no cut flowers but after 2 days or so he should really have no restrictions. <br /><br />Thanks again,<br />Kara<br /><br />University of Maryland Medical Center<br />22 S. Greene St.<br />Baltimore, MD 21201-1595</font></p><font size="3"><p><font size="3"><strong>Update 3 </strong></font></p><p>From Reaper - </p><p>"Just got off fthe phone with rob's Son in law. He told me all is going well and Rob is aware of things. He is still getting pain meds but everything is stable."</p><p>Good news everyone! Let's hope everything continues to improve!</p><p>Dazed</p><p><font size="3"><font size="3"><strong>Update 4<br /></strong></font></font></p><p>I received the following from Nigel. Thanks for keeping us up to date. </p><p> </p><p>"Hi all,<br />I want to thank you again for all the emails of concern for my dad. I only have a minute but i want to give you all an update, and once again I apologize in advance if this does not reach all that it is intented to. My dads surgery went ok, but he is in TREMENDOUS pain and very drugged up and frustrated because he cannot get out of bed. It is very hard to see him go through this, I can only imagine how he must be feeling. There is some more bleeding in his brain. They do not know where it is coming from at this point, but they do know it is not the aneurysm. He is going to get a catscan tomorrow morning and if it got worse, they may need to go back in and operate. I feel like my world had totally been turned upside-down. He cannot even sit up for two more weeks. THere is a condition that sometimes occurs about 11 days after this particulaar surgery that could be fatal, so they are taking all the precautions they can hopefully so that this will not happen. I just keep hoping for the best and doing all I can for him. He has not eaten and will only touch water. They actually had to semi-restrain him tonight because he kept thinking he could get up and go home. He does have a sense of humor though, his nurse was named Sheila and he kept calling her shampoo...lol. Anyways, just so you know your emails are not bothering me at all, I just apologize I cannot respond to all of them. My computer is crappy at home and I am so mentally exhausted its just all i can do to get through. But I will try my best to give you updates every few days. I did let him know all his friends are thinking of him and that made him smile
<br /><br />THanks<br />Kara"</p><p> </p><p><strong>Update 5 </strong></p><p>From Reaper -<br />I got through to Rob's son in law this morning and he told me Rob is gettin a little better each day. They've been pretty occupied which is why we haven't heard anything.</p><p>I told Josh to let him know we're all thinkin about him and the "songs for Rob" we're doing and he was real excited and will tell Rob when he sees him today.<br />I feel a little relieved now.<br /><br />Rick</p><p><strong>Update 6</strong> - Thanks for the update Nigel!</p><p>"Hi my name is Vince! I am sitting here with Rob and he is doing well. He is in room 718 University of Maryland Medical Center 22 S. Greene St. Baltimore, Md 21201.<br />He can't get out of bed, reason he tells me it's because his ANYOURSOMETHING is swollen and he can't keep his hands off of it! I have read some of the responses to him and he is overwhelmed, happily of course. He wishes he could get out of bed to respond to all of you. I am sure in due time he will! His heart is with you all! Keep sending those messages!!!! HE STILL HAS HIS SENSE OF HUMOR!" </p><p><strong>Update 6</strong></p><div class="br-txt">This is a message directly from Rob we received this morning:<br /><br />Hello............This is my first night at home and must say, I'm lost. My daughtervtold me ZI have had alot of messages and care expreesed my way. I can't sit up too long yet and read, but will ASAP. I will write a full update, as soon as I can. Just this little typing is really tough. For now....THANKS!!! FRIENDS!!! I hope to be able be around more as time goes. As it is I'm told......I have 6 weeks of recovery.<br />THANK YOU GOD, for this. I am one humbled scared being.<br />Rob <br /><br />Rob, man, we love you! Speedy recovery with no bumps on the road! </div></font>
<p><img src="http://www2.mixposure.com/image.php?band_id=2458&mode=band_image&width=155" alt="" width="155" height="116" /></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Join the Mix Patrol with Justin Jones as we patrol the streets of Mixposure.com for the best in Independent music. We are on a constant vigil for the superbly talented Musicians who make up the #1 Independent music site on the Internet. So, come on into chat or just listen on your player, and enjoy the sounds brought to you by the Mix Patrol. "Get your Fix...at the Mix!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Live from 8:00PM until 11:00PM EST. Please join us in <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_chat" title="Chat">Chat</a>!<br /></span></p><p> </p>
<p><font size="3">Hey Guys!</font></p><p><font size="3">Some of you may have heard that Nexus Radio UK will no longer be using the iMS Chat Room. No there is not bad blood between the two sites! Stop thinking drama guys lol. </font></p><p><font size="3">While the iMS Chat Room offered Nexus the ability to get away from their IRC Chatroom, it did have some limitations for them. We require a login to keep it secure, some of the ignore features caused some problems I guess (I am looking into this) and they did not have admin permissions in the chat. </font></p><p><font size="3">We also had some complaints about the language and the tone of some of the shows. iMS has people of all ages on here and some are under 21. We never want anyone to be uncomfortable so always try and keep it professional. <br /></font></p><p><font size="3">We are saddened to see Nexus move but they will still be playing music from the fine artists on iMS. The problem is, we really liked the interaction in the chatroom during shows. When we first started this site, our chatroom was always active and then we just started using the forum shoutbox more. I forgot how much fun the chat was! We were asked about starting iMS Radio several months ago and I just did not feel we had the time to do it. I guess now is as good of time as any to give it a shot. </font></p><p><font size="3">So if you have longed to do an internet radio show please give this some thought. We will be looking for some people to step up to the mic so to speak. We should have everything in place tomorrow and will be doing some testing. We have the ability to play music at 320K bitrate but I think we will just run 192k as the site allows so the streamed music will sound the same as the artist intended.</font></p><p><font size="3">So what do you think? </font></p><p><font size="3">Dazed</font></p><p> </p><p><font size="4" color="#ff0000">Update - I am starting to get the hang of this stuff. Right now you can think of this as an iMS Jukebox. </font></p> <font size="4" color="#ff0000"><a href="">iMS Radio Stream</a></font>
<p>Morning Everyone!</p><p>My apologies on reviews lately! Since the arrival of the baby we have had relatives in town for the last two weeks. Our schedules are slowly returning to normal so i should be back to doing reviews by this weekend, Besides Reaper is catching up to me .</p><p>Have a great day everyone! </p><p>Dazed </p><p> </p>