Apologies if I've missed something that might explain what is happening. When I come in to the site it recognises me and welcomes me. But when I click on an artist's page or pretty well anywhere else in the site it welcomes me as "Guest". If I click on log in, it takes me to my control panel where I resume my identity as Self Tort.<br /><br />But trying to get to another page I revert again to "Guest". As a consequence I can't review or download the January Challenge. I hope I didn't say anything out of line in the forum or otherwise offend anybody.<br /><br />Dazed, I'm putting this up as a blog because it seems that I can't send you a PM. Any ideas?<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian
Just added a partly completed track/demo of "Can't Stop Thinking About You". See the song info section for the inspiration for the song, unless you're a James Blunt fan in which case you might prefer to stay out of there.<br /><br />Will be heading back in three weeks to finish it off so any suggestions for improvement would be appreciated. Plan to tidy up the harmonies, add an acoustic rhythm guitar and an organ solo. Not sure whether harmonies on the verses and/or the middle 8 would be overkill, but would be intersted in what others think.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian
I've just been told that I've been booked to perform a set at the Basement, which is the premier music venue in Sydney.<br /><br />For those Aussies out there who might be interested in turning up, it's on <strong>Monday 16 February, 2008</strong>. It's an acoustic night and I will be doing a 1/2 hour acoustic set of original material. There will be about another 6-7 artists on the bill. <br /><br />The Basement started in the 1970s as predominantly a jazz venue and it has hosted some of the really great artists from Australia and overseas. <br /><br />The beauty of the gig for me is twofold. It will give me the chance to hopefully draw a good crowd of people who won't travel to my normal gigs.<br /><br />More importantly, I'm told that the venue has a great sound system and that I will be given a CD and video of my performance, which, unless I stuff it up, should be great from a PR point of view.<br /><br />Anyway, the news hit me with the same effect as I imagine having sex with Elle McPherson might have on one. Not much point it happening unless you can tell someone about it. So I thought I'd share.<br /><br />It would be great for any Aussies on the site who may be in Sydney on the night to turn up and say hello.<br /><br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian
<p>Have just returned from Vietnam, having studiously avoided the place in the late 60's early 70's for reasons that will be obvious.</p><p>Started writing a song over there dedicated to the cyclos and motor-cycle taxis who incessantly demand "one hour, one hour". The song took a twist on the last night there, but I won't repeat what I've already included in the song information.</p><p>It's cheesy, but hopefully fun. Planning to tidy up the vocals a little next time in the studio, but don't plan on adding much else. Had thought of adding some ac or elec piano but tend to think it's better kept simple. Same with harmonies. If you disagree or have some other ideas, don't be bashful, let me know.</p><p>Good to be back.</p><p> </p><p>Cheers</p><p>Brian</p>
Compliments of the season to all mixposure members.<br /><br />I had been hoping to do a Holiday message and related song, but my recorder's decided that, now that I'm going to have time to use it for a while without work pressures, it's going on holiday too.<br /><br />So instead I thought I'd post a song that I recently wrote about the homeless. At this time of year it's a good time to reflect about those who are less fortunate than ourselves. I've set out how the song came about in the info section of the song page if you're interested.<br /><br />Best wishes to all for the holiday season and for a creative and productive 2009.<br /><br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian
Just letting you all know that I am to be interviewed <strong>this afternoon</strong> on a local radio station. The interview will start at 5pm Sydney time (which as best I can work out is 7am GMT/UTC or 3am EST - hmm maybe the odd night owl will be up).<br /><br />I will be taking some CDs which will include some mixposure collabs I've been involved in and will probably be doing a couple of live acoustic originals as well. It will go for an hour and from past experience is likely to have some wacky moments. So if you happen to be sleep deprived and need a remedy for insomnia click in and have a listen.<br /><br />Unfortunately there is no chat room or forum on the station's site.<br /><br />The url for the site is <a href="http://www.skidrow.com.au/">http://www.skidrow.com.au/</a> and just click on the "Click Here To Connect" button to stream.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian<br /><br />
KED and I have been threatening to do a collab together for some time now. I had started working on an instrumental track called "Lookin' At Ya" in about 2006 and had recorded the drums, bass, pianos and organ tracks, trying to come up with a lead guitar that I was happy with. It had been consigned to the "to do sometime later" list, but then I decided to take KED up on his kind offer to collab with me.<br /><br />Here's the finished result. KED has done a great job on guitar on this and I'm really happy with the result.<br /><br />Lead Guitar: KED<br /><br />Synth, organ, elec piano: Self Tort<br /><br />Drums, bass programming: Self Tort and Stewart Havill
Doctor C took on board the task of reinventing my old track Six O'Clock Swill and has done a fantastic job. This is a complete change of focus from a former 6/8 track to a bluesy shuffle compete with Doc's trademark keyboards and stellar guitar work from Gary.<br /><br />It's now less about the evils of drink and more of a "drinking song".<br /><br />Thanks Doc and Gary. Love working with you guys. That's four tracks doneso we're well on the way towards a CrC CD. BTW if anyone can come up with a better name than CrC let us know.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian